There are those who consider that the personal grooming and care of hair, skin, nails and the use of makeup is only for women. Therefore, they tend to neglect the way they look and project an unpleasant, unprofessional and even disheveled image.
The truth is that beauty issues don’t have to be just a women’s issue. This is a field that also concerns men. And it is that, a well-dressed and well-groomed man, steals the attention of the people where he is.
In addition, having a good physical appearance not only opens the doors to new job opportunities, but also makes it easier for you to start a romantic relationship, expand your circle of friends, make you enjoy a better social life and much more.
Buzz cut
This is a very short style, so much so that it is necessary for a professional stylist to avoid having white spaces and unevenness all over the head. Some of the benefits of this haircut is that you don’t have to worry about combing your hair every day. However, you should pay attention to your scalp so that it does not accumulate excess oil and so that it does not burn with the sun’s rays, since it is more exposed.
Comb over
This is a variant of the gradient haircut. Its main feature is to wear a well-marked stripe on one of the sides for the purpose of combing the hair to the opposite side. It is also a very versatile style, as it gives you the freedom to choose how long you want to wear your hair. Without a doubt, it is one of the great trends of 2021.
Crop top
This is a haircut that is characterized by combing the hair forward and cutting it straight around. If you like this style, you can bet on it. It is ideal for hiding pronounced hair entrances.
Half mane
While it is true that this is a cut that has been used for a long time, the difference for 2021 is that they must be worn well cared for and combed. One way to do this is to wear pigtails. This way you will look good all day, every day.
Since you already know what the trends are for this year in haircuts, it only remains that you choose the one that best suits you. But how do you know?
What You Need
To determine which haircut best suits you, you need to learn to distinguish what your face type is. The indicated haircut is the one that allows you to highlight the best features of your face and hide those that least favor you.
We can find, at least, 7 basic shapes of face: square, triangular, elongated, diamond, oval, round and rectangular. For each of these types of face there is a suggested or recommended haircut.
- Oval face: the best cut for this face is the one that allows you to wear a clear forehead, since the bangs make it look even more oval. You can choose cuts where the hair is combed up, back or to the side.
- Diamond: in order to hide the hardness of the angles, the ideal is to wear long haircuts, such as the half mane or the toupee.
- Round: for this type of face, a haircut is recommended where the upper part is with a greater volume, since this will allow it to be the focal point of all eyes. You can complement the style with a full beard.
- Square face: in order to soften the predominant features in this face, the ideal is to wear a shaved cut on the sides and with a lot of volume in the center. Also, you can get a lot out of the bangs.
- Rectangular: Use a haircut with a lot of hair facing the front, such as bangs. Actually, you can choose from a wide variety of asymmetrical and side cuts.
- Elongated face: This type of face does well with a cut with greater volume at the top, including the forehead and sides with slightly longer hair around the ears.
- Triangular: haircuts with bangs and with a well-pronounced stripe with the best allies for this type of face.
No matter what your type of face or the haircut you want to wear, the recommendation is that you strive to always wear your hair groomed, which includes keeping it clean and well combed, as that is the predominant trend for this 2021.
You can also spend some time applying masks or products that allow you to show off much healthier, stronger and silkier hair. Do not forget that, if you wear long hair, it is important that, from time to time, you make a cut of ends so that it can continue to grow healthily.
In case you require advice on which haircut suits you best, go to a professional beauty center, specialized in men. There you will find trained and experienced staff who help you dispel your doubts and who will give you the best guide.
Avoid falling into the mistake of letting yourself be carried away by the opinion of your friends or family, although they have the best intentions, they may not know the subject and you end up assuming an unflattering haircut. While it is true that the hair grows back, the idea is that you feel good with the cut you wear.