How to Use an Eyebrow Eyeliner

How to Use an Eyebrow Eyeliner

The eyebrows are a fundamental part of the face, and their care and makeup have been acquiring more and more prominence in recent years. Properly profiled eyebrows highlight the look and give expression and beauty to the face. Currently, the eyebrows look marked, dark and somewhat thicker than a few years ago. This type of eyebrow requires a good makeup technique, since it is difficult to have the eyebrows like this naturally. Therefore, in the market they are increasingly launching more products dedicated to makeup and improvement of eyebrows, such as eyeliners of different types.

However, it is still a complicated task for many to delineate the eyebrows correctly. And it is that this operation has steps and tricks that we do not always know, so we end up making mistakes and obtaining unnatural or unflattering results for our face.

That’s why, in this article I want to teach you everything you need to outline your eyebrows, which eyebrow liners are best for you, and how to use each one step by step. In addition, you will find tips and tricks to make up your eyebrows professionally.

What do you need to use an eyebrow eyeliner?

To make up the eyebrows you can choose one of these eyeliners (in the following section you will find more information about each of them):

  •  Eyebrow eyeliner in gel or ointment. In this case, you will also need a special flat and beveled eyebrow brush to apply.
  •  Pencil eyebrow eyeliner
  •  Eyebrow eyeliner type “down”
  •  Comb for eyebrows. Many eyeliners include it, although if you don’t have it you can use a clean, dry mascara brush.
  •  A creamy concealer one or two shades lighter than your skin color.
  •  Eyebrow fixing gel or clear mascara.

Remember that the color you use to outline your eyebrows should be one or two shades lighter than your hair if it is black. If you wear black, your eyebrows will be too dark and unnatural, hardening the features of your face. On the other hand, if your hair is light blonde use one or two darker shades for the eyebrows.

Types of eyebrow eyeliners

First of all, you should know what types of eyebrow eyeliners exist and which one is your favorite according to the result you want to obtain. Each one is applied in a somewhat different way and will give a slightly different finish. For example, the eyeliner in ointment is better for partying because it marks the eyebrows more, while the eyeliner in pencil is ideal for day to day.

Eyebrow eyeliner in gel or ointment

Eyebrow eyeliners in ointment give a perfect finish and are the favorite of makeup experts. Normally its format is a small round bottle from where the product is extracted with the brush. The positive thing is that they are very durable, since, being such an intense pigment, you can complete your eyebrow makeup with very little product.

The proper way to apply this eyeliner is with a special eyebrow brush, which is flat and beveled. Thus, you will smear a little product on the brush and expand it through the eyebrows little by little. Start by defining the top and bottom of it and then fill in brushstrokes the eyebrow starting in the center and then to the sides.

Pencil eyebrow eyeliner

It is the most traditional and the one that has been used the most for years, it never goes out of style. Its finish can be somewhat lighter, so it is perfect for every day. However, it is easier to obtain unnatural results if you do not know how to use it correctly. To do this, it is essential to follow the natural line of your eyebrows and paint them with the sharp pencil making lines little by little.

“Down” type eyeliners

This type of eyebrow eyeliners are newer on the market, they are very easy to use and their finish allows them to be used for all occasions. They are comparable to an eyebrow “marker”, and you can find various shapes of down. There are more rounded, sharp and even “microblanding” effect. The latter have several tips, with the aim of being able to draw hairs and achieve a very natural result.

Instructions for using an eyebrow eyeliner

The outline of eyebrows depends on the makeup you wear that day: you can mark them more if you are going to wear intense makeup, at night or go to a special event. Likewise, thick and marked eyebrows are increasingly fashionable for any occasion.

First of all, so that the eyebrows are perfect, make sure they are well shaved. Be careful and do not spend removing hairs, just remove those that protrude from the natural line of your eyebrow. It is best to use tweezers and a magnifying mirror in a well-lit space. Once you’ve removed all the leftover hairs, you can get started!

Define the shape of your eyebrow

It is very common that you want to make up your eyebrows, but you do not know where it should start or where it should end according to the shape of your face. If you obey the shape of your face to make your eyebrows, you will get a more flattering and natural result for you. How to do it? Very easy, you just have to get a long brush or pencil. With this, you will identify where the eyebrow begins, its highest point and its end.

To know where your eyebrow begins, take the pencil or brush and put it on the fin of the nose to in front of the tear. If outside that area there are hairs or makeup, you should remove it. On the other hand, to know the highest point of the eyebrow, place the pencil under the fin of the nose and tilt it towards the iris of your eye. From that point, the eyebrow tilts downwards to its end. And finally, how do you know where my eyebrow has to end?: placing the pencil tilted from the nose, passing under the water line of the eye to the end of the eyebrow. If you want, you can trace small dots of very light brown to guide you in the subsequent makeup.

Combing the eyebrows

Next, take the eyebrow brush or eyelash brush clean and dry and comb the hairs on your eyebrows. Normally combed up or sideways, the goal will be to prevent the hairs from protruding from the contour of the eyebrows and put them in place to make the filling more accurate.

Draw top and bottom outlines

Once combed, you can start marking the outline of your eyebrows. Remember that the contours of the eyebrow should be slightly more marked than the inner part. In addition, the final “tail” of the eyebrow should be more marked and dark than the area closest to the nose.

Start at the bottom of the eyebrow and draw a line from its beginning to the end, following its lower edge. Then do the same with the top. Do not mark contour at the beginning of your eyebrow since this area is the one that should be clearer and blurred?

This step is perhaps not necessary for eyeliners with micro landing effect or if you want a very discreet result. In these cases, instead of marking the contours, you can draw “hairs” so that they fill the gaps in your eyebrow.

Fill the eyebrow

Once the contours of the eyebrow have been defined, you can start filling in the gaps. Keep in mind that the filling should not be totally uniform, as it will be very artificial. On the contrary, the makeup of the inside of the eyebrow should be to fine “stripes”. It is better to give brushstrokes that simulate the presence of hairs so that it is natural.

I recommend that you start using little product and giving light brushstrokes. Review the areas that should be darker as the final half of the eyebrow. Remember that as you get closer to your nose, the filling should be clearer and blurred.

Blur with the brush

Then, pass the brush through the eyebrow again to integrate the product and achieve a softer and more professional finish. Rubbing the brush following the shape of the eyebrow will contribute to the filling looking natural, fading and blurring the makeup you have applied.

Apply concealer

At this time you should apply concealer around the eyebrows. This helps to perfect the eyebrow, define it, make it thinner and hide mistakes. To do this, take a flat brush and place concealer of one or two shades lighter than your skin color above and below the eyebrow, following its edge. Then, blur with the brush and/or a makeup sponge so that the concealer integrates with the rest of your face. Then, review again with the eyeliner the areas that may have been stained or erased with the concealer.

Eyebrow fixator

Finally, we are going to apply a fixing gel on the eyebrows so that the hairs remain tidy and give us a more careful appearance. In the market there are special gels for eyebrows that come in a format similar to that of mascara. Although you can also use a transparent mascara or the color of your eyebrows.

Your eyebrows would be ready! Remember that you can try different styles: more or less marked, somewhat thicker, more degraded, combing and fixing your hairs upwards … Each person has their own style and shape of eyebrows, surely by putting these steps into practice you will find your ideal way to make them up!