How to Remove Wrinkles

How to Remove Wrinkles

With the passage of time there are more worries that appear around our body. Normally we are more likely to get sick, we begin to suffer from various ailments and depending on the age you have or the pace of life you have led, the hated wrinkles begin to be seen.
Wrinkles in our skin are those folds that begin their appearance over the years, very similar to those that appear on clothes when they are poorly folded. They can arise in our body for various reasons, such as a decrease in a substance called collagen (the protein responsible for resistance and flexibility), deterioration caused by the sun’s rays in some specific areas, having poor care of our skin and, the most common, getting older every day, among many other factors.
For many people to see some wrinkles on their face is a sign that it is already going through a stage, which many do not like to arrive so soon. But in occasions it is more due to lack of care than due to old age since the skin is recent and shows it through the appearance of wrinkles. For this reason, sometimes, we see very young people with many folds on their faces; and on the contrary very old people with their facial expression quite preserved.

Types of wrinkles

To classify them at the clinical level, several types of expressions are used. Some are determined between superficial, which are very easily removed with a little stretching and on your skin; and the deep ones that take a little more work to hide them.
Another way to call wrinkles, according to experts: those of expression, caused by a repeated movement of very specific muscles in the face; Those of gravity, whose name already explains well the reason for its appearance, due to the effects of attraction of the earth towards its center, which causes the skin to hang; and finally those of photo aging that are those caused by the sun’s rays.
These are just some of the ways in which these folds can be classified since there are many ways in which wrinkles have been studied and therefore different names are given to their types, these being the most commonly used.
Really sudden emotional changes or weight gains and subsequent losses can also be the cause of annoying wrinkles. In addition to the fact that they can be a sign that something is working wrong in your body, if your life habits are not the best, pay attention to their appearance.
If you have already begun to see changes in your skin and wrinkles begin to be made, notice it is time for you to look for remedies to remove them as quickly and in the healthiest way possible. With the tips we give you below you can get rid of those folds that now accompany you day by day and that mean a nightmare for you. For example, you can learn how to make a homemade anti-wrinkle cream.

What do you need to remove wrinkles?

  •  Sunscreen
  •  Avocado
  •  Aloe Vera
  •  Bananas
  •  Plantain
  •  Honey
  •  Vitamins
  •  Skin creams
  •  Plenty of water

Instructions for removing wrinkles

  1. Changes in your life
    The first step to getting rid of wrinkles are those that have to do with the changes. For this we recommend that you first start to get away from the constant exposures to the sun, and if you must, then put on some protection such as hats or glasses.
  2. Another change in your life can be those related to vices such as smoking or the consumption of alcoholic beverages, which you have to eliminate if you want to remove the folds in your skin. A healthier life with a good diet will also help you eliminate wrinkles.

  3. If wrinkles have already made their appearance, it’s time for you to start taking care of your skin more seriously. First of all using sunscreen when you go for long walks outdoors. Use special creams for wrinkles, there are many types look for the one that best suits you according to your skin type.
  4. Also another way is by moisturizing it. Wash your skin, especially your face, twice on each of your days, no more than that. If we tell you to do it only twice, it is because if you do it more often you will be eliminating oils that your skin needs to regenerate, later this can cause wrinkles to appear faster or become deeper.
  5. To complement the wash, apply a good tonic that helps put the pH levels of your skin in a correct state.
  6. To sleep a little more.
    When you are told about sleep, it is truly resting with a relief that really helps you rejuvenate your skin. Resting, the recommended time, helps your body to regenerate hormones related to growth and in the work of proteins corresponding to its elasticity, which will make it easier to remove those wrinkles naturally.
  7. Natural is good
    As with other ailments, wrinkles also have a set of countless home remedies that are used to remove them. Starting with massages with substances such as coconut oil or applying lemon juice on the face very carefully of course.
  8. Masks are also an ideal initiative, especially those that are banana-based or include avocado. Honey, banana and yogurt are a very good combination to make you a good anti-wrinkle mask or if you want something more traditional we recommend aloe Vera that contains many benefits, not only with respect to wrinkles.

  9. If you pass the fourth step and your wrinkles are not yet removed, you can begin to consider the laser as a choice for you. These techniques are very delicate so they have to be supervised by an expert in the field of skin and wrinkles. There are very popular treatments such as resurfacing that remove damaged parts of the skin caused by aging. This technique, performed by a trusted doctor, is highly recommended and its subsequent care is very simple to carry out

Tips to remove wrinkles

If you already have wrinkles and want to hide them a little learn to make up correctly, maybe you are removing them completely, but there are many ideal techniques to hide them extremely well.
If from a very young age you are already afraid that wrinkles will become part of your life, take care of your skin, without exaggeration. With hydration, cleansing and the right creams you will already be preventing its appearance for a few more years.
Do not undergo any surgical procedure if you are not sure you want to do it, even less with people who are not trained to perform them or in a clandestine clinic. This is extremely important as remember that your health is at risk if it is not managed by specialists in the area. Avoid hasty measures that can put your life in danger.
Wrinkles are something that at some point in our lives we will have to face but that, if we really take care of our skin properly, we can prolong their appearance if we really propose them. The care of your skin should not only be to prevent the appearance of these folds, but rather because your body needs you to take care of them throughout life to ensure the proper functioning of your body.