How To Remove Grain Marks

How To Remove Grain Marks

The topic of how to remove pimple marks and acne is not something new in In fact, in our beauty section, several articles have been published that are closely related to the problem of acne.

 That is why we know perfectly well how unpleasant it is for everyone, the appearance of one of these impurities on our face. Suffering from acne or having at least one pimple on the face can often ruin our day. As well as lowering our self-esteem when we see ourselves in the mirror, because we are not comfortable with the reflection of ourselves.

As if they weren’t annoying enough. These impurities when removed incorrectly leave marks or spots on the skin. That constantly remind us that there we had a grain at some point in our life.

As grains are one of the greatest enemies of beauty, we have decided to write a post to share with you, our readers. A series of tips or useful tips to remove pimple marks on our skin.

It is a series of alternative and home remedies very efficient to fulfill this purpose. Without more to contribute, to the introduction, let’s start the main topic.

Tips for Removing Grain Marks

Lemon is used in many ways to eradicate impurities, applying on our face (or area affected by grain marks) a layer of lemon juice at night. It is important to do it only at night, because during the day if you are exposed to the sun it can stain your skin. Doing this will help you eliminate the marks that acne has caused, in fact you will have days left to see the results because the efficiency of lemon is incredible to treat these cases.

The method consists of wetting a cotton ball with the juice and pressing it gently on the stain or affected area. Leave it for a long time (or at night) and then clean yourself, if you can clean yourself with an anti-basic soap that you use exclusively to wash your face much better.

A little tomato does good.

The tomato in addition to being a fundamental element in any salad, is also an excellent alternative to remove stains on the skin. This is because it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin A helps rejuvenate and repair the skin.

The correct way to apply this alternative is to take half a tomato and crush it, forming a kind of tomato puree. Once you have done so you must apply it on the affected area as if it were a mask, this will help you remove the grain marks in a few days, in addition to refreshing yourself a little. Then you just have to remove the mask with warm water.

Sugar and Moisturizer.

This will be the only remedy to which you must make a small extra expense, in case you do not have moisturizers at your disposal. What you should do is add a tablespoon of sugar (It does not have to be a very large spoon) in the moisturizer that is of your preference.

The process consists of exfoliating the face with the prepared mixture, drawing circular shapes and doing it gently. Remember that the skin is something delicate and not the floor of your house, avoid doing it so rudely so as not to hurt yourself. After having exfoliated the affected area with the mixture, proceed to rinse with cold water.

You can perform this process twice a week, if you maintain a certain constancy you will see excellent results. It may be the later method, but the long-term results are excellent. You will also be taking advantage of the benefits that moisturizer gives you.

Remove Grain Marks with Aloe Gel.

Aloe vera is excellent for many things and one of them is to remove marks on the skin produced by pimples. The trick is to extract the gel that lies inside the aloe leaves and pour it on the affected area. We know that the smell is not exactly the most pleasant but you must endure a little if you want to get the results you are looking for.

If you do, remove the gel after 20 minutes, that is long enough for the properties of the aloe vera gel to take effect on the skin. Wash your face with cold water and if possible, clean yourself with the anti-basic soap mentioned above.

In this way we conclude with the content of this article. If you apply in a good way the tips that we have shared with you throughout this post. We are sure that sooner rather than later you will enjoy looking a much cleaner face and without the constant reminder of having had pimples that generate the grain marks on your face.