How To Remove Blackheads On The Skin

How To Remove Blackheads On The Skin

Blackheads are somewhat recurrent and at certain times more. It happens to all of us, women and men and is due to many causes and factors.

In addition to this, there are different levels in the severity of blackheads, since if they are infected they are no longer only an aesthetic problem but also will produce pain, discomfort and we will have to treat them in a thousand and one ways, since according to our body, our diet and skin care, we can get rid of them before or after.
The pores are clogged when perspiring excessively, it occurs in times where the heat is extreme, in summer especially and this causes the sebaceous glands, those that contain the fat along with the keratin of our organism to oxidize and in this process these black spots occur in the skin. It actually consists of a deep lesion that has a tip, a dark-colored head.

These black spots that we talk about are mainly concentrated in the nose, but they can appear in other areas of our body, such as the chin, forehead, cheekbones, around the mouth and lips.

Do not confuse acne with blackheads, since these are an excess of fat, only that and especially by the increase in sweating of our body before the environment or before various circumstances of our daily life.

The first thing we must do is a facial cleansing when trying to remove or eliminate them and not only are there different products for it, but we can also use different home remedies that will make eliminating them even easier.

In addition to these remedies, there are many treatments available and it should be said that it is not a matter of women only but that men although they do not look too much also have blackheads. We all have those unpleasant points.

It is essential to know before talking about remedies, that in order to remove them you have to have a routine of cleaning the skin. Some people can do it with creams, with scrubs of which there are a large number also on the market, but above all you have to wash your face very well every day and not sleep with makeup if you are a girl who usually uses it normally. Even if it takes a little longer to go to bed, believe us that it is worth removing that makeup at night before sleeping with a makeup remover milk or with anybody milk or a normal makeup remover and go to bed with your skin clean and as soft as possible. What we do ask is that if you do not want to see yourself with a large black dot that becomes infected over time, is that you do not try to remove it by crushing it with your fingers. Believe us that no matter how much you do it, it never comes out and the next day you will not only have the inflammation of having squeezed, some wound, the marks, the anger and the tension of having tried but that by not having removed it from the root, you can have infected it and the remedy will be worse than the disease so be patient and do not be abrupt, although everything tends to it and it is the first idea that comes to mind because we know that it bothers to see them and we do not want them to be there.

Grains are also very annoying. If we want to know how to remove the pimples from the face without hurting us and remove it anyway because we have an important event. Here’s how to remove a pimple from your face at all costs. We hope it will be of great help to you.

Instructions for removing blackheads on the skin

  1. Wash your face with soap and water or a product you use for it.
  2. Dry it so that it is not with a lot of water when applying any of the remedies that we can use.
  3. We can use masks that can come in handy for these blackheads. One of these is made with: yogurt, cucumber and parsley. Take about two tablespoons of natural yogurt, some parsley leaves, but in non-bottle leaves, also natural and half a cucumber. We put everything in the blender and what we get we apply on the face for about 15 minutes. Then remove it with warm water.
  4. A remedy also quite effective are water vapors, either hot or with eucalyptus leaves. We put ourselves with a barrel in the bathroom, pour hot water with the leaves and put our face on top and put on top of the head we put a towel to breathe the mist and in addition to that, that hot water will open the pores and it will be easier for us to clean our skin.
  5. Another type of mask that we can put on once we have open pores is natural gelatin and milk. A tablespoon of unflavored gelatin and a little milk and we make a paste that we put by the blackheads that we see with a brush. As before we let it act between 10 and 15 minutes and clean it.
  6. An ally against blackheads is lemon for the effect it has in terms of disinfecting and we can also put it with glycerin, and almond oil to remove makeup at night before sleeping.
  7. Honey and cinnamon will also help us fight them. Whatever cinnamon, cinnamon powder and mix with a tablespoon of honey. As we have been saying, we make a paste and place it where we see those dots, but this time we are going to sleep with it. The next day as every day we wash our faces. We are going to leave this paste on overnight and repeat it for two or three weeks. We will see the improvement very soon.
  8. Oats and apples are also very good at fighting these blackheads. As we say everything is a matter of trying which remedy suits you best, but above all and above all take great care of your skin, because if you know why they come out you can avoid the appearance or that they worsen.

Tips to eliminate blackheads on the skin

  • In the event that you squeeze your blackheads and infect them, disinfect as soon as possible and do not touch them anymore. The more touches it will be much worse.
  • Follow the routine of daily care in terms of hygiene on the face, you will see as if you have it in mind and do not neglect it will improve a lot.