How To Remove Acne Spots With Home Remedies

How To Remove Acne Spots With Home Remedies

Acne is a delicate subject because it makes the person who suffers from it very complex. 40% of acne depends on the habits you have. Remember that you must take care of your diet and facial hygiene.

But if you still need a little help, we are going to propose a series of home remedies to help fight those spots. You will see that it is very simple and does not need much preparation. Let’s start already to know how to remove acne spots with home remedies.

Instructions to remove acne spots with home remedies

  1. Turmeric mask. It is antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory and exfoliating. It is good for preventing the appearance of pimples and pimples. It also serves to reduce the spots left by acne.

  2. Surely you are wondering what turmeric is, it is a product that for thousands of years has been used to treat various diseases as a natural anti-inflammatory and has a great antioxidant power. To give you an idea it is 140 times more oxidizing than kiwi and 60 times more than orange. It helps fight premature aging of the cell. It will also lighten your skin and give it more luminosity.
  3. We will also use honey, which its acidity level prevents the growth of acne-causing bacteria and is also good for removing impurities.
  4. Yogurts have antibacterial properties and relieve skin irritations. It also acts as an exfoliant.
  5. If you have oily skin use a few drops of lemon. But if it is dry or normal, replace the lemon with olive oil or coconut oil.
  6. Preparation: In a bowl we will pour a tablespoon of turmeric, two tablespoons of natural yogurt, two tablespoons of honey. Four drops of lemon if your skin is oily or half a tablespoon of extra virgin oil if you have it dry or normal.
  7. Mix the ingredients by stirring them until you have a very yellow mixture.
  8. Before continuing with the mask we will soak an aloe vera leaf
  9. Now put on an old T-shirt.
  10. Wash your face thoroughly with water. Dry it with a towel.
  11. It’s time to apply the mask. Take a brush and carefully spread it all over your face.
  12. Be generous in handing out the entire mask. Remember not to cover your eyes, nostrils, and mouth with it.
  13. Leave the mask on for 20 minutes.
  14. While we wait for time to pass. Take a plate and scrape an aloe Vera leaf with a knife. With this we will make a nourishing mask. Once we have the gel we will take a vitamin E capsule, pour its contents into the gel and mix it with the spoon. This mixture of vitamins will help reduce both inflammations and redness. It also fights the bacteria that cause acne and regenerates the skin.
  15. Wash your face with cold water because while we were preparing the gel and collecting all the utensils used, 20 minutes have already passed.
  16. Now apply the aloe Vera gel that we have prepared.
  17. Let him act overnight.
  18. If you don’t want to prepare the gel and want something even faster, you can also choose to cut a piece of the penca and open it in half. In this way, we will have in sight the inside of the leaf and it is just that viscous substance that interests us. You can rub all over your face that mucus directly from the plant. That is in a well-washed face.
  19. And even faster. In herbalists they sell a preparation of aloe Vera with vitamin e that, like what was seen before, you must leave on at night.

Tips to remove acne spots with home remedies

  • Turmeric is also known as turmeric can be purchased in herbalists. It is advisable to buy it in powder. Because if not the process is longer.
  • When you go to use turmeric use old clothes because it stains a lot and are difficult to remove.
  • Always use a brush and not your fingers to apply this yellow mask.
  • Aloe Vera gel can be applied every night, however turmeric mask only once a week.
  • IMPORTANT!!! Before applying aloe Vera check with the gel that comes off the leaf itself cut in your own hand to know if you are allergic or not to this plant. It is important that you do this before applying it to your face. Leave it on for 15 minutes and see if it turns red or itchy.

  • Aloe Vera will speed up the healing process of pimples, relieve pain, redness and decrease acne marks. The latter is for its anti-bartering qualities.
  • When you apply aloe Vera try to pour the gel half an hour before sleeping so that the skin absorbs the mask and avoid staining the sheets and blankets.
  • If grains concern you and you want more information in our category dedicated to grains and how to eliminate them you will find much more information.