How To Remove Acne Spots

How To Remove Acne Spots

In adolescence one of the main concerns of young people is acne. Acne is a cause of shyness, frustration, anguish, isolation and can sometimes cause depression. Above all, it affects the youngest who have not yet finished developing their personality.

The accumulated natural fat works as a culture medium so that bacteria that are normally in the area contaminate it, form the pus and that annoying granite appears, which as soon as we manipulate it what we cause are skin lesions.

There are different degrees of acne:

  • Slight: It is characterized by some white dots and some black dots, that is, the famous pimples. There is usually no redness.
  • Moderate: There is more redness, or what is the same, pimples or pustules. They are already inflammatory and there are usually 40 to 50 lesions.
  • Moderate severe: The granites are a little larger in which pus accumulate.
  • Severe: This grade is characterized by the increased presence of large grains. In which if we press with dirty nails we can cause infections and redness is much more scandalous.

The causes of acne:

  • Hormonal. Especially in the case of women, one of the first causes is ovarian cyst because a greater amount of androgens is produced. Also known as polycystic ovary.
  • Hereditary. Genetics can also influence the appearance of more or less acne.
  • Stress. The skin is related to stress. Therefore, the greater the stress, the greater the presence of granites.
  • Cosmetics. Here you have to see the quality of cosmetics and if they carry certain oils.
  • Labour. Sometimes being in contact with hydrocarbons, these chemicals can cause injuries of this type.

The two main problems that in addition to scars, are usually the appearance of red spots or brown spots due to acne.

These spots appear for a number of reasons. Below we detail them from the one that causes the most stains to the one that causes the least:

  • By pressing the grains leaving the pores open. This is the main cause of acne blemishes.
  • By the use of homemade masks above acne. Depending on certain products and the amounts you use, they can cause even more injuries. For example, some masks include lemon juice, which irritates the skin.
  • When a skin cleansing occurs with inappropriate products.
  • When exposed to the sun. If you have a granite and you are in treatment or your own body has fought against that acne and you go to the beach or the pool, that granite or reddish spot will turn brown.
  • For the poor healing of an infected granite. When the person has a granite and takes a long time to get a treatment, they may have a reddish area and even a scar.

Instructions for removing acne spots

  1. Red or pinkish spots appear because the person has undergone a treatment, whether pills, peeling or creams. There has been an inflammation and red is what has remained of it. That inflammation can be solved with a few sessions of vascular laser. A little anesthesia is put on and the vascular laser begins to be fired. With quite optimal results.

  2. For brown spots. If we do not put on sunscreen when we go to the beach or pool those red spots will turn brown. In this case it is not recommended to use laser. What is usually done in dermoaesthetics are superficial peeling. Then creams and lightening lotions are usually used to obtain an improvement and an adequate tone of the skin.

Tips for removing acne spots

  • We already know that having a pimple on the face is unpleasant and we want to make it disappear as soon as possible. But as much as you are tempted to make it disappear, do not burst or explode it because in the long run there are scars. And that’s already more complicated to remove.

  • Always remember to use sunscreen on days when it’s very sunny, as well as when you go to the beach or pool. You will protect your skin and also prevent brown spots from appearing.
  • It is recommended to go to the dermatologist to make a complete evaluation to estimate the degree of acne or indicate a treatment to combat those spots.
  • Laser treatment will provide your skin to look smoother and brighter. But it is also true that after the application of this technique, the face can become inflamed, an antibiotic cream will have to be applied and makeup cannot be used in a few days. It is also important to note that for this treatment you cannot have given the sun, so dermatologists advise that this treatment be performed from autumn.
  • There are also other methods such as microdermabrasion. This consists of a machine that will allow a deep peel, dragging all the dead cells and promoting cell regeneration, which makes the skin look more uniform. And best of all, you don’t need time to recover.
  • In our category dedicated to grains you will find much more information.