How To Remove Acne Marks

How To Remove Acne Marks

Acne is a skin condition that does not cause pain or physical discomfort, but aesthetically speaking acne and the scars it produces are a big problem for many people.

 Acne appears on the skin and can be anywhere on the body, although the most frequent is the appearance on the face. We recognize acne since papules full of pus form on the skin and that after a while they tend to disappear leaving the terrible trace of their passage in the form of a scar. However, many people tend to burst the papule and remove all the pus from the inside. This action can be good and bad. Good because you help cleanse, and bad because many people do not know how to burst them correctly without damaging the skin and without leaving marks.

The marks that acne leaves on our skin can be in two ways: either dark brown spots or hollows on the skin. We already tell you that the gaps in the skin are difficult to remove, but instead for the spots we still have some possibilities.

There are several treatments that we can perform to remove acne marks from our skin and get it back to being in a healthy and beautiful state. If you want to know how to remove acne marks from your skin with good results keep reading this article from


We already know that the best remedy for any condition is prevention. The more careful we are and do more things to prevent them, the less we will suffer later, as in the case of spots caused by acne.

To prevent them it is important that you go to your dermatologist if it is a very serious case, because he will be the best to recommend what you can do. It is also important that you clean your face well with soap in the morning and evening, one of them being a deeper cleaning. You should also exfoliate your skin twice a week. Stay well hydrated, avoid eating excess fats and precooked products as well as include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Finally, take care of your face by applying tonic and anti-acne cream at least once a day.


If you form scabs or layers of skin damaged in the disappearance of the papules, carefully remove this skin or even let it fall out on its own to avoid leaving more noticeable spots.


We already know how important hydration is for our body, but nutrition is also very important, because certain nutrients and foods make the skin repair and look shiny and healthy. In this case collagen and vitamins are essential.

Cosmetic treatments

You can get some specific creams to treat acne spots. You will find these in some cosmetic stores or pharmacies. If you are not sure which cream to use you may prefer to go to a dermatologist and advise you what is the best treatment for your skin type and your spots.

Also if you are prone to acne you should use creams and anti-acne products. To try to prevent, if you do not manage to eliminate it completely that is usually complicated, unless its appearance is greatly reduced.

Aesthetic treatments

There is also the option of going to an aesthetic center, where specialists will recommend the best method to remove acne spots. You may need to start with a deep cleaning and from there do some advanced treatments in the removal of stains. One of these treatments is hyaluronic acid massages.


The body knows how important an exfoliation is, therefore, every 25 or 30 days, that is, once a month the skin exfoliates itself. This is because as we age and the days go by the dead cells accumulate and form a layer of dead skin on the healthy one, and does not let it breathe. As we get older the body will take longer to perform this exfoliation, so we cannot expect this slow process and we must help our skin exfoliate it ourselves. The ideal is to exfoliate our body and face at least once a week.

Thanks to exfoliation you will not only remove dead cells, but you will also reduce the appearance of skin defects such as spots, and you can even make them disappear.

Get a scrub purchased for the face and another for the body. Although there is also the possibility that you make your own homemade scrub. There are many alternatives to turn to. For example, you can add a tablespoon of sugar to your normal moisturizer, mix coffee tassels with tablespoons of olive oil (do the amount you need, but it should not be too liquid), another option is to prepare fat salt on a plate and split a tomato in half, dip the tomato in the salt and pass it on your face.

 Whatever scrub you are going to use, the important thing is that you always apply it with circular movements, and always from the bottom up. Then you should clean the area with cold water.

Home Remedies

Another much cheaper and more effective option is to go to home remedies. There are several remedies that can help you in the removal of acne spots, as well as other spots such as wound scars.

Lemon juice. We have already talked on numerous occasions about the beneficial power that lemon has on our body, and in this case of rinsing and elimination of stains it also has an important role, since lemon is a natural lightener. Thanks to lemon juice, even dark spots can be lightened.

You must squeeze half a lemon if it is for the face or small areas (more lemons depending on the area to be treated) and with a cotton apply it on the acne spots, always pressing and not dragging the cotton or in circles. You must do this for a few days until you get the result you want, you must also do it at night, since you can not give yourself the sun once you apply it, if not, the effect will be totally the opposite and your skin can be stained even more.

Aloe vera. Aloe vera is also a very powerful natural remedy. Aloe vera has moisturizing and regenerative properties, so it is ideal in the treatment of spots and scars, it also does not matter if they are new or old. Aloe vera is very versatile and we can incorporate it into our routine in different ways, from taking it in morning shakes to putting on moisturizers and aloe vera masks, with which we can further enhance the disappearance of spots and scars and also contribute to cell regeneration.

Cut a leaf of the plant, (which is not very large if the area is small), peel the leaf and remove the pulp from its interior. Then apply it as if it were a gel, with circular movements, leave it on for 25 minutes and then wash your face well with warm or cold water.

Olive oil. Olive oil is ot+5th natural product very beneficial when we talk about solving some problems in our body, and we can also make use of it to eliminate stains. In addition to reducing scars, it is also ideal for moisturizing and nourishing the skin, so it is a very complete natural remedy, as well as simple. You just have to moisten a cotton ball in enough olive oil and apply it in the area to be treated. In this case we will exert some force and move the cotton in a circle, with this we will be able to exfoliate the skin a little, remove the dead cells and make the oil have a greater effect. After 10 minutes leaving it on you can wash your face or the area with cold water, although also if you are a person with dry skin you can let the skin absorb the oil for longer.

The natural tomato. Natural tomato is a source of vitamin A. This is fundamental in the process of repair and rejuvenation of the skin. Before doing this treatment make sure that you do not have excessively dry or very sensitive skin, because the acidity of the tomato could bother you and even make you red.

For this treatment you only need to crush half a tomato and apply it with clean hands or with a cotton ball on the affected areas of acne. You should leave this treatment acting for 15 minutes and then remove it with cold or warm water.

You can also make some exfoliants with tomato, as we mentioned above, but you can also make a specific one that will help you end the spots. It is about mixing tomato, oatmeal and lemon juice and applying this mask exfoliating your skin, then leave it on for 15 minutes and then remove it.

You can also complement your routine using moisturizers that contain olive oil, so you can clean the stains and treat them in depth.

Honey. This natural product manufactured by bees is also ideal for health and for cosmetic and aesthetic treatments. Honey will not only act to make the spots disappear, but it will also match the color of your skin. Honey is moisturizing, moisturizing and also very nutritious.

Get a bottle of honey (the more natural the better), take a good amount of honey and apply it on the face forming a layer. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then remove it with warm water. If you can’t get the little one to go with water, you could use a little soap.

The water. As we have said, hydration is essential for the body, so that it is healthy and looks beautiful, so you should drink a day between 1 liter and a half and 2 of water (about 8 glasses of water), this will allow the body to eliminate toxins easily and will give greater brightness to your skin. Hydration will be fundamental in the repair and healing process.

For your acne spots to disappear using the method you prefer, it does not matter, or even using several, the important thing will always be consistency. You must do the chosen treatments every day, without skipping one. It is important that you dedicate time, although it is not that it will take you too much. With 5 or 10 minutes a day you can end up with those spots that bother you so much and you do not like to see. If you are tired of enduring the spots on your body, or you are embarrassed by the scars on your face you no longer have to go through it, since with these tips and treatments you now know how to remove acne marks easily and return to look a clean and beautiful skin without dark spots in between.