How to Put On Makeup for a Party

How to Put On Makeup for a Party

Looking beautiful, for a party is the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge in terms of makeup is concerned, by women, whether woman, girl, young woman and even girls who when watching mothers putting on makeup, also want to do it; for this type of event it must be different from the day. Since it is usually strong, charged and dark and bright colors are used to highlight combinations that you want to use at night. You must also choose which type you want to highlight in the combination, whether it is the eyes or lips, that is, what you want to attract attention. The night is a time to get out of the routine and be able to get a good makeup to make the person stand out and let the looks fall on it, at the same time that it enters the room, space or environment where it is performed.

What do you need to put on makeup for a party?

  •  Makeup
  •  Councils

Instructions for putting on makeup for a party

  1. It must be different from the look that is made for the day, it is good to combine shadows and correct colors so as not to enter the wave of the clown, and it has to be according to the tone of the It can look natural without having to fall into the exaggerated end with several layers of makeup on top.
  2. Party makeup is characterized by being very ornate, although the person who despite not having had a great knowledge regarding makeup, knows that it must look natural and at the same time elegant, which makes it give special touches.
  3. You have to think about the type of skin and the type of face to learn how to make it up, you should always take into account aspects that are not relevant and that although you think they are not important, they end up being so. Aspects such as sunken eyes, oval face, among many things.

  4. The part of the eyes, should have dark shadows, bright shadows, eyeliner, eyelashes, mascara. On the lips, soft colors, nothing strong. But it always has to do with the person’s decision.
  5. Makeup is the best ally of a woman when it comes to wanting to stand out to be beautiful and confident in any event that is held at night. To do this, you have to know it you take advantage of it to disguise any aspect that makes them look tired or with dark circles. A good makeup serves for all this. You will also like this article: How to Put On Makeup at Night

Tips for putting on makeup for a party

  1. Before starting to make up, it must be prepared properly, this means that it should not have fat or anything that looks very shiny. It begins by laying the base that can be of any brand that is on the market, with such and be the right skin color. You can use a special touch so that it is without lumps or anything like that.
  2. Perform a facial cleanse and then apply moisturizer.
  3. You can use colors of dark shadows such as black, brown, intense blues and bright textures that deepen the look.
  4. Place repairer under the eye contour so that you do not see dark circles or any damage to the tiredness of the day.

  5. Apply a blister that tightens the skin and start placing the base spreading it over the face with gentle blows and let the skin rest for a few seconds to adsorb the product.
  6. Apply concealer to cover the imperfections of the skin, paying special attention to the part of the dark circles, so that they are not noticed much, it can be of a lighter tone to cover them well and provide luminosity.
  7. To perfect the first part of the makeup, with a makeup base with texture and color according to the tone of the skin, applying it throughout the face evenly.
  8. Highlight the most pronounced features, such as eyes, you can opt for new makeup that is impacting the market that is usually called “smoky eyes”; although you can use bright metallic colors, blue, silver or gold that always give the desired touch. Although you can also opt for black.
  9. Curl the eyelashes after the eyes have been made up, to lengthen the eyelashes a little, and apply a layer of mascara. You can also place false eyelashes that make the look wilder.
  10. If, on the other hand, you decide on a luxurious and spectacular makeup on the eyes, lip paint should not be abused. They can be soft colors so as not to clash with the appearance of the eyes. Apply brightness in the center to give more volume.
  11. Always remember that shadows with brightness are ideal for a party and you should know how to choose the color. If you happen to have a matte shadow, apply powder gloss to make it stand out. It is to be considered that with this makeup, you can attract a lot of attention.
  12. There are women who like to always be natural; that is why using false eyelashes can be very exaggerated. If by chance you are going to feel uncomfortable, I recommend that you do not use them, because it will be inexperienced and instead of presenting a crazy look, it will look horrible. So be very careful with that. You can also place individual eyelashes, which make you stand out just a little and so you can feel more comfortable.

  13. If you chose to place false eyelashes and bright colors in the eyes, you should make up your lips with a dark lipstick so that it does not stand out much, such as a wine red or a classic brown.
  14. In the part of the eyes, dark combinations will always attract attention, so the fact of using them more than any other color is highlighted. It can be complemented with an outline around the eyes and to mark the look, you can choose to place an illuminator to highlight.
  15. The daring looks attract a lot of attention, try looking for trends that can be used without pretending to be exaggerated to amaze and attract attention, if you are not used to putting on makeup; it is logical to want to look pretty and elegant at the same time.
  16. The eyes are always the ones that take the prominence in any makeup, that is why they are named so much and are the main thing you have to know how to make up.
  17. Look for trends that may be fashionable, or be careful to choose one that does not live up to the occasion. This should be borne in mind when applying makeup. Use the media to find the desired look, since you can find tutorials that are easy to wear and that can be done at home. That is why the web helps a lot in this aspect.
  18. Place some hairspray on the face, taking care of the appearance of the eyes, since the lacquer helps the makeup adhere more to the skin and can last a long time, if it gets to sweat It also gives it a natural shine, so it is advisable to use it.
  19. Finally, all these tips are so that you can look and feel good at any night or day party, always remember that makeup is never the same; everything will depend on the time and the type of makeup you want to use.