How To Produce Collagen

How To Produce Collagen

Collagen is a protein composed of fibers, it is found in all important structures of the body such as bones, tendons, ligaments, it is also part of the connective tissues and gives firmness to the skin which makes it essential for the elasticity of the skin.

Collagen forms a protective barrier against toxic substances, pathogens, environmental toxins, microorderisms and cancer cells. Protects the walls of blood vessels, heart, kidneys. It is the largest component of hair and nails. All these functions, among others, depend on collagen, so when it decreases, many of these important functions of the body are put at risk.

We will teach you how to produce collagen so that your skin looks smooth again, your hair, your nails and your body is not affected by the lack of this protein.

What do you need to produce collagen?

  •  Medical control
  •  Hormones to take by mouth
  •  Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C
  •  Soy milk and protein-rich products such as legumes, nuts and seeds.
  •  Foods rich in lycin: red meat, poultry, pork, cod, Parmesan cheese and eggs.

Instructions for producing collagen

  1. Collagen being the protein that supports the skin, precisely this is the most visible part when you start losing collagen due to age. This is very noticeable on the skin because it becomes more fragile, thinner, more likely to suffer damage, wrinkles appear, joints become less flexible.
  2. Already at 25 years of age the decrease in collagen production begins, it increases with age and by the age of 70 30% of production has been lost.  This decrease occurs for various reasons: excessive exposure to the sun, stress, the effect of smoking, among others, destroy existing collagen. Aging does not destroy it but only decreases its production. Poor diet and unhealthy habits and also some health problems that prevent the absorption of minerals and vitamins.
  3. The loss of collagen can be avoided by changing some eating habits, it is possible to act in such a way that the formation of this is stimulated and avoid its destruction.
  4. You can take hormones orally hormones to fill the deficiencies we have, this should be indicated by a doctor.
  5. Animal gelatin is one of the main sources of collagen so it is very good to eat them. Incorporate into the diet fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, vegetables, oranges, strawberries, tomatoes, grapefruits.  Vegetables such as potatoes, broccoli and peppers are also very good.
  6. Also foods such as soy milk, legumes, nuts and seeds, all rich in protein, increase the production of collagen.
  7. Another option is to consume foods rich in lysine as they help produce collagen in the body, this includes red meats, poultry meats, pork, cod, Parmesan cheese and eggs.
  8. Facial massages increase blood flow which helps the production of collagen: move in circles the index, ring and middle finger along your entire face.
  9. If you want to take a copper peptide supplement and also canine rose, both increase collagen production.
  10. Herbal green tea contains flavonoids, this is an antioxidant that helps fight free radicals that destroy collagen fibers.
  11. Natural masks based on avocado or avocado oil stimulate collagen production, moisturize the skin and help reduce defects caused by previous damage or age.

Tips for producing collagen

  • If you are a smoker, a very good way to counteract the destructive effect of smoking on collagen is to eat many fruits rich in vitamin C.
  • To prevent collagen loss, avoid exposure to the sun and smoke, use a sunscreen and do not smoke or are not in places where you smoke.
  • Change your diet and habits from a young age to avoid the damage caused by early collagen loss.