How to Make an Armpit Detox

How to Make an Armpit Detox

A daily beauty routine can be as long as you have it. Although it is true that, many times, natural products are used to carry it out, the truth is that most of the things we use are chemicals.

You may mistakenly think that as long as you do not ingest them there is no problem. However, the skin also absorbs everything you apply on it and, in the long run, this fact could bring serious consequences for your health.

In view of this, many people have decided to embark on a long road to detoxification. Although getting rid of the chemicals, which you have been a victim of for a long time, is not a task that can be done overnight, it also does not mean that it is impossible to achieve.

You can start by taking small steps. For example, in your armpits. The skin of the armpits is one of the most sensitive in the whole body. It is also among the ones we bombard the most with chemicals. So how could we do an armpit detox and start changing our daily hygiene and beauty habits?

If you don’t have the slightest idea what you have to do, don’t worry. Through this post I will explain how you can do it. You’ll also know how to transition from a commercial deodorant to a 100% natural one.

Contrary to what some might think, natural deodorants are just as effective as industrial ones, in terms of preventing bad odors. But, in addition to that, they do not mistreat the skin of your armpits or cause irritations. Therefore, they will always be your best option.

Pay close attention to the tips that I will share with you, as they will represent a before and after in your life and in the daily care of your armpits.

Instructions for making an armpit detox

The term “detox” probably seems unfamiliar to you. However, it is nothing more than a strategy of cleansing or detoxifying the body. This procedure is possible thanks to changes in our daily routine, which make it easier for our body to be able to eliminate toxins, impurities and waste.

Detoxification is a normal response of the body when it stops receiving toxins. That is, components that are of no use to them and that, in addition, cause them harm. Doing it in a general way, can be a very complex matter, but it is worth trying because this way you will be giving a little love to your body.

However, in this case, I will focus on giving you tips so that you can detoxify the skin of your armpits. This process is necessary, especially if you want to start using natural deodorants that do the job of keeping them free of bad odors, but also allow them to breathe and perspire.

To achieve this, it will be enough that you stop using chemical deodorants for a certain period of time. For example, you can shower at night and not apply deodorant until the next morning so that the skin breathes. If the next day you are free, you can take the opportunity not to use deodorant and wash with soap and water every time you feel uncomfortable or smelly.

However, this method does not usually work for everyone, since some people need help to get rid of accumulated toxins or because they can not spend a couple of days totally locked up.

Since we are all different, the detoxification process will not always last the same. In some cases, it can last a month. Whereas, in other cases, maybe it extends a little further.

During the first week, your body will begin to manifest withdrawal symptoms from the antiperspirant you normally use. This means that you will start sweating a lot and even smell bad. Don’t despair. Be patient so that your body gets used to it.

The second week may be the worst, as the population of bacteria will increase and you will sweat a lot. But you don’t have to worry, as this is the natural way your body is responsible for eliminating toxins.

By the third and fourth week the body will begin to stabilize and sweating will begin to diminish and you can lead your normal life, but this time free of the toxins that damage your body. But what do you need to achieve it?

What do you need to do an armpit detox?

An aid in the process of detoxification of the armpits is bentonite clay, as it has the ability to extract toxins from the body. To make the mixture, you will need:

  •  1 tablespoon bentonite clay that is free of parabens.
  •  2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar.
  •  1 tablespoon of water.

In a glass container, mix the clay with the apple cider vinegar and stir using a wooden spoon. Avoid metal ones, as metal tends to modify the properties of clay. Then, gradually add the teaspoon of water until the result is a homogeneous paste.

Place an even layer of this mixture in the armpits and let it act for 5 to 10 minutes. When that time has elapsed, rinse them with plenty of water and dry them very well.

While it is true that the mixture is quite soft, you can start applying it about 2 or 3 times a week, until you no longer have a bad smell or redness on the skin. Keep in mind that the results will not be immediate, so it is necessary that you be patient and do not throw in the towel the first time. But what other recommendations should you keep in mind?

Tips for doing a armpit detox

To make the transition process less annoying and smelly, you can apply rose water to help level the pH of your skin. In this way, the bacteria, when evacuating, will not generate odor.

During detox days, make sure you drink plenty of water, more than you usually drink. In addition, you can perform a dry brushing on your body before bathing.

Exercise until you sweat profusely. Another good alternative is to take sauna baths. In addition to helping you speed up the process, you will relax for a long time and disconnect from the concerns of everyday life.

Start a diet that helps you detoxify your body. In it you should include foods such as: green leafy vegetables, lemon, garlic, green tea, berries. Sesame seeds, carrot, ginger, turmeric and many fruits.

All of these detoxifying foods have several positive effects on your health. For example, they keep your blood pressure at bay and help you lose weight. It is interesting the fact that you can incorporate them into everyone’s diet, including the smallest in the house. By doing this, you will help your body and that of your entire family.

In addition, you can take baths with hot water and natural soap. Another thing that can help you is to wear clothes that are made of natural fibers, since these allow the skin to breathe normally.

If you put all these suggestions into practice, you will be sure that you will be able to accelerate, naturally, the process of detoxifying the skin of your armpits. It will also help you neutralize the bacteria that cause the bad smell.

Finally, remember to exfoliate the skin every so often and make sure to remove all residues from the product you are using, since, at times, it may seem that your skin is being stained, but it is actually a false alarm.

Some people consider that they lead a healthy life and that it is not necessary to do a detox. However, give your body a chance to cleanse itself.

Keep in mind that some studies have determined that using antiperspirants with aluminum may increase the risk of developing cancer. Hence, it is always more advisable to bet on the natural. Don’t wait another day to do a detox of armpits.