How To Know If You Are Handsome

How To Know If You Are Handsome

Beauty tends to be a very subjective thing. What seems beautiful to us is conditioned by many aspects of our life. Like, for example, our education, our values, our experiences, etc.

For that reason, what may seem beautiful or attractive to us, for others could be the opposite? Since we do not all have the same experiences, we become different people with our own criteria about what we like or what we dislike.

We make choices daily taking into account our tastes. Maybe we buy some clothing because we like the color, the fabric, the model or all these aspects together. The same goes for food, personal belongings, our entertainment, among many other things.

However, our point of view is not always the most accurate or popular. Sometimes, we are criticized for the way we dress or look. It is true that there will always be someone who questions us or sees something we need to improve on.

But the truth is that it’s natural to want to look good, as no one likes to be rejected. Especially for the person who attracts us physically. Maybe, according to your point of view, you are handsome. But is it really so? What can you do to know if you are handsome?

Asking someone else could be quite daring, although it is an option that we can consider. But what we really want to know is not whether we are handsome to a person, but whether most consider us so. Are there any standards we should consider?

This article has been written with the purpose of being able to help those people who doubt their physical appearance or their personal image. In this way, they will be able to improve their self-esteem and gain self-confidence. Let’s see now.

Instructions to know if you are handsome

Maybe you have a slightly sloppy look because it seems to you that being aware of the physique is pure vanity. The truth is that, although we do not want to fall into these vices, the physical aspect is an important aspect. In fact, even we, no matter how indifferent we want to look, look at the appearance of those around us.

Defining what is beautiful can be a very difficult task. Despite this, some cultures, in ancient times, related beauty to the symmetry of the face. That is, if both sides of the face were identical. This way they could determine if it was ultimately someone handsome or ugly.

Although it is true that this can be decisive, it is not the only thing we should consider. For example, it is important to consider the color of our eyes and hair.

Usually, a person with blue eyes and black hair, we will always find much more attractive. The reason is that it is usually uncommon to come across one of them. The same can be said for people with blond hair and green eyes or those with reddish hair and blue eyes.

Of course, if we frequently see this type of people, it may be that at a certain moment we stop looking so attractive, even if they are genetically scarcer.

Naturally, being handsome is not only about being favored by nature, it is also important to take care of ourselves on a daily basis.

As attractive as you are, if you don’t brush your teeth, if you have messy hair, if you have shoulder-length dandruff or you have a sloppy beard, it’s unlikely that anyone can consider you handsome. So personal hygiene plays a fundamental role.

The mouth plays a fundamental role. In fact, that’s one of the first things a woman looks at. Therefore, you should pay special attention to your smile. Which means you visit your dentist frequently. If you have a pretty smile, then you can attract the attention of girls.

On the other hand, women like tall and slender men. It is true that, if you are not large, you can do nothing more than maintain a good posture. Unfortunately nature was not kind to you in that particular.

What you can do is maintain a slender body, that is, well formed. How? A good exercise routine will suffice. Of course! The purpose is not that you become a bodybuilder, far from it.

It has been statistically proven that women do not like very thin men, but neither are fat. They usually prefer a normal athletic-looking build. You can do that without having to enslave yourself in a gym or without starving yourself.

If you decide to wear a beard or let your mustache grow, you have a point in your favor, since it has been shown that women find a man with facial hair more attractive than a lampion.

Obviously, if you bet on this look, it is essential that you try to keep your beard and mustache well groomed. The idea is not that you look like Santa Claus or another fictional character. For that reason, the recommendation is that you can go to a male care center to be advised on this matter. In addition, they will help you to have the growth of facial hair controlled.

Now, keeping an eye on all these aspects of your physical appearance can be very positive. You will surely attract the attention of more than one woman. However, don’t sing victory because it’s not the only thing you should do.

It is essential that you take into consideration other important aspects, what are those aspects? What else do you need to know to be aware of whether you’re handsome? That is what will be discussed in the next subtitle. Continue reading.

What do you need to know if you are handsome?

Now that you know what someone handsome looks like, then you can put cards in the matter. Even if you are satisfied with your physical appearance, you may wonder if other people consider you handsome, what signs do you need to take into account?

  1.  The first thing you can do is stare at the person’s face. If you notice that their pupils dilate it is because they consider you an attractive person.
  2.  On the other hand, stay on top of the number of invitations you receive on a daily basis, even from people you barely know.
  3.  See if the number of followers on your social networks is increasing. If the opposite happens, you are doing something wrong. You should also be aware of the number of likes your photographs receive.
  4.  When you are in a public place, there will be people who will turn to look at you.
  5.  People you know, or those you barely get to know, will seek your approval and want to do things as you like. So the tendency is for you to be a leader and for others to want to imitate you.
  6.  When traveling on public transportation, people choose to sit next to you. Keep in mind that usually no one wants to have someone who is ugly or has an unpleasant appearance by their side.
  7.  Some daring women will tell you that you look good or you are cute. They will do so in different places or circumstances. For example, in the mall, at a party, at work, etc.
  8.  You don’t have to make a very big effort to fix yourself. It will be enough for you to wear anything to make you look good and, equally, you will receive a lot of praise.
  9.  More than one person will seek to strike up a conversation with you.

When you begin to see that these things are presenting themselves in your day to day, then you can be sure that you are considered handsome by people, which includes not only women but also men.

Now, what tips should you take into account to know if you are handsome? Pay close attention to these.

Tips to know if you are handsome

Keep in mind that there is no single idea of what a handsome man is. Maybe for some people you are, but for others you are not. Remember that it is practically impossible for you to please everyone. Therefore, it is important that you have a balanced opinion about yourself because, otherwise, you will end up feeling frustrated.

What you can do is not neglect your physical appearance. For example, even if the food is very good, try to maintain a balanced diet so that you can maintain your weight. Remember that thinness is not synonymous with beauty, but neither is obesity.

Take care of your face. At a certain stage of our lives, the unpleasant acne begins to appear. Do not assume that it will disappear as it appeared, that is, alone.

Try to maintain a skincare routine that includes washing your face with a special soap, removing blackheads, using anti-acne creams, and drinking plenty of water to remove toxins from your body.

Remember that if you decide to let facial hair grow, it is important that you keep it well cared for. Otherwise, you will give the impression of being a careless person and even with poor hygiene. No one finds a dirty-looking man attractive.

It is also important that you take care of the appearance of your hair. It is true that, when they reach a certain age, many men begin to suffer from baldness and that makes them unattractive. However, that doesn’t have to be the end of the world.