How To Increase Your Breasts With A Vaccine

How To Increase Your Breasts With A Vaccine

The world of show business has set high standards of beauty for both women and men, which means that many are pressured to get the perfect figure, no matter what sacrifices they have to make.

Many spend long hours in the gym, to tone the muscles of their body and get firm buttocks and a flat abdomen. Others undergo endless surgeries to have a profiled nose, raised eyebrows, a face without wrinkles, etc.

However, among the most requested surgeries, among women, are breast implants. There are few women who feel comfortable with the size of their breasts. Some complain about having them very large, while the vast majority think that they have them very small or, perhaps, want them to be firmer.

Be that as it may, there are many who are willing to go through a scalpel in order to have the ideal size for their breasts. However, it is no secret to anyone that these surgeries have a high value, one that not everyone can afford to pay for.

Does that mean that they should resign themselves to having a small chest? Is there nothing else to do? Is it only left to cope with frustration for the rest of your life? Not necessarily. Some scientific studies, related to the area of aesthetics, have determined that it is possible to increase the size of the breasts with the help of the Covid-19 vaccine.

But is this possible? Why is this? Is this a simple side effect? Is it temporary or permanent? In this short post I will be answering these and other questions related to this controversial topic of today, which is indirectly related to beauty and the most dreamed body.

Instructions for Augmenting Your Breasts with a Vaccine

For a couple of weeks, there has been a rumor on social networks that the Pfizer vaccine makes the breasts grow. That, according to the testimony of certain women, as was the case of a 17-year-old girl living in Norway, who said that she even had to buy a larger bra, since her chest increased almost two sizes.

After a thorough analysis of the situation, the medical specialists have reported that this is a normal situation. It is nothing more than an inflammation in the axillary lymph nodes, which tends to disappear after a couple of weeks, which means that it is a merely temporary effect.

And, when a person, in adulthood, is vaccinated against anything, such as HPV, influenza or any other similar vaccine, he can suffer an inflammation in the lymph nodes.

The key to understanding this whole thing is in the way the lymphatic system works. In the human body, in addition to blood vessels, there is the lymphatic system. It is a series of vessels that form a kind of road network throughout the body.

Its function is to collect the excess fluid that the tissues have and transport it to the chest, where that excess fluid goes back to the blood vessels. Also, the lymphatic system forms a very important part of the immune system.

In addition to the vessels, there are the lymph nodes, where the cells of the immune system are located, as is the case of lymphocytes, among other cells. These cells are always ready to attack, in case the presence of a pathogen is detected.

Now, when we get a vaccine, an immune reaction occurs, which can cause the lymph nodes to become inflamed. When these nodes become swollen, edema or swelling occurs and therefore a breast augmentation.

What do you need to augment your breasts with a vaccine?

Although this is a very common effect, it is normal for unilateral swelling to occur, that is, in only one of the breasts, since this immune reaction produced by the vaccine is totally systemic and, therefore, the effect is local. Usually on the arm where you’ve had the vaccine.

This is also thought to be because messenger RNA vaccines, such as Pfizer, carry a small load of genetic code that tells cells how to repeat the virus’ surface protein spike, which is responsible for activating the immune system.

Now, it is the lymph nodes that contain the B cells that use this information to create antibodies as a normal response to a foreign agent. When these antibodies accumulate in the lymph nodes, they enlarge, which generates the sensation of breast augmentation, after receiving the Covid vaccine.

Therefore, some may qualify it as an adverse effect produced by the Covid-19 vaccine. And, unfortunately or fortunately for some, this effect is temporary. That is, when the inflammation goes down, the chest will return to its normal size.

It should be noted that this is not the only symptom that has occurred in women. There have also been cases of menstrual alterations following the application of the Covid-19 vaccine and, therefore, they should be taken into account and investigated.

According to some studies conducted in the United States, more than 11% of people who received the modern vaccine manifested lymph node inflammation with the application of the first dose, while 16% in the case of the second.

Regarding the Pfizer vaccine, it only happened in 0.3% of patients. However, these results only show what both doctors and patients could notice. Therefore, the actual rate of affected could be higher.

In some cases, the vaccine not only caused swelling in the nodes, which led to breast augmentation in some people, but in some cases, bumps also appeared on the side of the armpit. This is usually a red flag that is used for breast cancer screening.

In view of this, many women have been alarmed and totally unnecessary cancer diagnostic tests have been carried out, in order to detect the presence of breast cancer.

It should be noted that lymph nodes can become inflamed for several reasons and not only for malignant diseases, as we have seen in this post. Therefore, if you were vaccinated and notice any abnormality, instead of worrying excessively, it is best to consult with your doctor. 

Usually, lymph node inflation will go away on its own, without needing to take any anti-inflammatory medication or anything like that, unless the attending physician wants to prescribe it.

In view of this, the recommendation is that you calm down, take things slowly and, if you like the temporary increase in breast size, enjoy it while it lasts, because it is an effect that will disappear soon.

It is not indicative that something wrong has happened or that it is a side effect, exclusively, of the Covid-19 vaccine, since other vaccines also usually swell the lymph nodes. Which means that, if you will, it is something that is considered to be within the category of normal.

So instead of worrying too much, take things with a sense of humor and enjoy your breast augmentation due to the Covid-19 vaccine. You will be the envy of everyone, because you did not have to resort to an operation to enlarge the size of your chest.