How To Grow A Beard

How to Grow a Beard

The beard throughout history has been presented as a symbol of status and wisdom within various cultures. Many men want to let it grow and cut it in a way that goes with their personality. But the reality is that in many men the growth of this facial hair is of an irregular and slow shape, which becomes a concern. There are products that can be obtained in the market which offer a solution for this problem, but they are not very suitable since in their content we find chemicals that can cause irritation to the skin. Continue reading How to Grow a Beard.

If you are one of those men who grow a little beard in a natural way and want to have it to give you the desired image, we invite you to continue reading this article.

Instructions for growing a beard

  1. Exfoliates the skin You should exfoliate your skin once a week, look for an exfoliate that is for men, this will eliminate the dead cells that your skin may have and thus stimulate the growth of more hair.
  2. Clean skin
    Always keep your skin clean, wash yourself using warm water and also with a cosmetic cleanser. When the skin is free of impurities the small hairs are stimulated more.
  3. Eucalyptus
    It is a natural remedy that can help you with the growth of the beard, take a little eucalyptus oil and mix it with some hot water and apply it in the area where you want facial hair to grow. With the palm of your hand do some gentle massages, the idea is that this penetrates well into your skin.
  4. The water
    Water is something that should always be drunk to have the body well hydrated, but in this case it will also help us to hydrate the hair, so you should drink enough water during the day.
  5. The onion
    You can use this home remedy, always taking into account that its smell is not pleasant. Take a piece of onion and express it, the liquid should be applied in the area where you want the hairs to grow, also instead of squeezing you can put a slice in the area during the night.
  6. Honey, rosemary, garlic and cinnamon
    With these ingredients you can help the growth of your facial hairs. Peel two garlic, add some water, a tablespoon of olive oil and another of rosemary, mix well then add a sprig of cinnamon and bring the preparation to a boil, once boiled, strain and add a tablespoon of honey. Apply to the skin and after five minutes apply again and do not rinse. Do this once a week.
  7. Lemon and cinnamon
    It is a fairly natural option with which you can stimulate your facial hairs to grow. Just take a tablespoon of cinnamon, which should be in polo and the juice of two lemons, mix this and apply it in the area to be treated, leave it on for half an hour and rinse.
  8. Relaxation
    Good hair growth can also be affected by stress, so it is good to look for different ways to relax, even if it is five minutes a day, always look for habits that are healthy and have a good rest, since sleep will help the cells that are damaged in your skin to repair and therefore there is a better growth of hairs.

Tips for growing a beard

  • If they come to recommend a product that is chemical, it is good that you consult with your dermatologist, because the skins are different and you do not want it to give you any allergy or complication.
    You must be persistent and patient, although the tips we describe in this article may work, genetics will have a lot to do with the development of hair growth, in some men it can be given faster than in others. You can observe what your relatives’ beard looks like so you know what could happen to yours.
  • It is important that you check that you will not have hairs that are incarnate, because if so, the beard will not grow in an even way.