How To Get Well In Photos

How To Get Well In Photos

Waking up from a party or meeting, looking for the photos on your social networks and dreadfully observing how horrible you look in all of them. You untag yourself, or even delete the photo before everyone can see how ugly or ugly you look. When you check the photo you can only look at the double chin, the cartridge cases, the gut, the imperfections… Do you identify with it, right? Well, don’t forget that our worst critics are ourselves.

Being handsome or beautiful is mistakenly related to coming out well in a photo, but this is not true. There are people who without being anything from the other world manage to appear in the photos as a Top Model, and on the contrary there are people who are beautiful and appear ugly in the photographs.

Being photogenic is something that some people do naturally, but many others do not. But don’t worry, you’re in luck, because photogenics is something that can be trained.

Instructions to get well in the photos

  1. Adopt the perfect pose. You can practice in front of a mirror or a camera, until you find what is the angle that most favors you and what is your best smile. You can test your right side or your left side. Remember that the face is not completely symmetrical, so you probably look better on one side or the other. Familiarize yourself with that pose so that it comes out as natural and relaxed as possible in front of the camera. Stretch, place your shoulders back and relax your lips.
  2. Smile. Adopt a natural smile, as a forced smile will appear badly in the photo. It has to be according to your eyes. Squinching is a trick to soften the smile, since you have to smile with your eyes. It consists of squinting the eyelids a little, it is not convenient to open your eyes to the maximum since it harms the expression of the face and you can seem scared or scared. Doing this trick gives greater confidence and security. When you practice teeging (smiling showing the top row of your teeth) support the tip of your tongue behind them, almost without it being seen. This trick will help you make it seem more natural and the smile is not excessively large.
  3. Pay attention to your jaw. If you are one of the people who appears with a double chin in the photos, surely you have a tendency to raise your chin to avoid it. Do not do it, what professionals do is advance the head a few centimeters to bring it closer to the camera lens. You may feel stupid or stupid, but experts say that not only does it prevent you from appearing jowls, but you also acquire a sexy and self-confident pose.
  4. Wear the right clothes. Wear clothes that you know make you look good. The clothes must have the flattering cut for your body type. Find out what kind of colors fit your hair and highlight the hue of your skin. When wearing garments with designs, be sure to choose them carefully. Depending on the shape of your body, clothes with designs can look bad. Those with smaller designs may look very ornate in a photo. If you want to appear thinner, choose darker garments. If, on the other hand, you are very thin, perhaps it feels better to wear a light dress of light colors.
  5. Avoid going completely head-on. We can tilt our heads a little but not excessively. We must avoid going completely head-on since it is very unflattering. Tilt your body 45° away from the camera instead of taking your photo completely straight. It is an angle that has a slimming effect and looks better in front of the camera. You can place your hand on your hip, tilt your body slightly, and turn your face toward the target. Rotate your torso so that one of your shoulders is closer to the camera than the other. What you focus directly on the camera will look bigger, so if you don’t want to highlight any part of your body, keep in mind that these parts should be further away from the lens in order to hide them better. Remember what we said before, throw your shoulders back a little and adopt a stretched posture straightening your back. The pose can make a big difference between going right or wrong in a photograph.
  6. Position your arms and legs well. Avoid appearing rigid or rigid in photos. Instead of keeping your arms straight, glued to the body and stiff, fold them to give them and take them away from your body a little to bring them to life. This will reduce the volume of your body and give it better shape. Keep your hands relaxed and folded a little too. Tilt the front leg and rest the weight on the back.
  7. Wear the right makeup. In the case of women, makeup can be one of our best allies, or the worst enemy depending on the use we make of it. Learn how to highlight the right areas to help you look slender in photos. Avoid using products with protection factor. These bounce a lot of light, especially with the flash, so it will make you look very pale and flat in the photos. Therefore, try to do without creams and makeup that contain some SPF. Satin and matte finishes, both bases and eyeshadows; they favor a lot in the photographs. They help to better control brightness and light, as well as bring depth to the features. Keep in mind that usually photographs tend to flatten our face, so it is convenient to invest a little time in contouring and illuminating the face for a good photo. Review your eyebrows well, either with a pencil or a shadow of the same color as your hair so that it is as natural as possible and with a beautiful bow. Eyelashes are frames that highlight our gaze in photographs, use a curling iron or a black mascara to upload them. It is also advisable to carry a compact powder to touch up and avoid any unwanted shine, especially if you have oily skin. Use blush for your cheeks, to raise the tone of the blush a little more than usual; since the photographs tend to pale the colors a bit.

  8. Comb your hair and make your hair shine. It is important that the face does not appear too clear. It is preferable to put some hair on your shoulders, a strand on your forehead, or something that adds a little volume to your hair. You can also try to run your hands over it to bulge it. Use styling products sparingly. If the hair is damp or stiff from using a disproportionate amount of a product, it will not look good in the photo.
  9. Look for the right lighting. Use a soft light source to take more flattering photos. Try to place the light behind, above and in front of you to find the best place. Expert photographers indicate that the best hours of illumination are one hour before and one hour after sunset. Avoid lights that produce very pronounced shadows on your face. This can accentuate imperfections. Too bright lights can also highlight wrinkles and other spots. Look for enlightenment that creates a uniform glow from the forehead to the chin, passing through the cheeks. The perfect selfie will always be indoors and with the face focusing on the focus of light, either a window or a lamp.

Tips to get well in photos

  • Stop thinking about how bad you always look in the photos, relax and let yourself go.
  • Take a lot of photos. The more photos you take, the more likely you are to have a photo in which you come out perfect or perfect.
  • Feel confident. You are unique, with unique features. Forget about the flaws and make the most of it to look good in the photos.