How To Get The Dermapen With Plasma

How To Get The Dermapen With Plasma

The skin is considered to be the most extensive organ of the human body, as it is actually all-encompassing and therefore affected for different reasons. For example, by the incidence of the sun’s rays, by contact with abrasive substances, by the effect of the passage of time, etc.

For this reason, it can change. Sometimes, it is likely that spots, wrinkles, freckles, bruises, among others, will appear. However, there are other factors that contribute to changes in the skin, such as hormonal changes, stress, a bad eating routine, lack of rest, to mention a few reasons.

Since the skin is very associated with beauty and age, it is normal that those who have acne, scars, spots, expression lines and wrinkles, want to resort to different treatments to combat and eliminate them.

One of the most innovative, effective and painless treatments that exist is Dermapen. Because of this, it has gradually been gaining ground and popularity in the aesthetics industry.

More and more people decide to give a change to their skin and bet on this treatment. But do you know what it is? Although they have recommended it, do you have serious doubts about it? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

In this short and simple post I will be telling you everything you need to know about this innovative treatment. You will know all its implications, its benefits and the comments of the critics.

In this way, you will have the opportunity to evaluate the complete picture and make a decision that is in line with the expectations you have for your skin, now and in the future, regardless of the passage of time. I’ll be telling you what you need to know about plasma Derma pen.

Instructions for making the Dermapen with plasma

Dermapen is considered a very advanced treatment within the aesthetic industry. It seeks to improve both the appearance and texture of the skin. It is also known as an anti-imperfection pencil or erases imperfections because it has a similar appearance to that of an ordinary pencil.

This micro puncture treatment aims to restore collagen and elastin from the dermis, thus solving all common problems in the skin of the face at different ages. It consists of injection into the outer layers of the dermis with the use of microneedles.

Although it sounds scary, in reality, these needles are very thin and almost imperceptible. When used, a process of regeneration and healing of the skin occurs, which helps in the elimination of wrinkles, marks, spots, stretch marks and scars from various parts of the body, since it can be applied where it is merited. However, the most worked area is always that of the face.

This technique can be used in combination with other aesthetic treatments, since it facilitates the absorption of substances such as botulinum toxin, hyaluronic acid and PRP or platelet-rich plasma.

In relation to the latter, it consists of an aesthetic treatment, which is performed by extracting 60 CC. from the patient’s blood. It is then centrifuged for about 15 minutes to be produced with platelet-rich plasma concentrate, which is applied with the Dermapen directly to the face.

What do you need to get the Dermapen with plasma?

It is normal that, before undergoing any type of treatment, whether aesthetic or not, some questions arise related to the procedure and other aspects of it.

In the case of plasma Dermapen, as is done with microneedles, you may wonder if it is a painful treatment. The answer is no, as it is used under local anesthesia. Which means you won’t feel anything.

The duration of the procedure is relatively short, from 20 to 30 minutes. And, as it is a fairly simple technique, it can be performed on the skin of people of different ages, without fear of side effects.

When would the results become visible? This is another frequently asked question. Since the procedure is performed with a Dermapen, it is much faster and more effective than if it will be performed with a needle.

The plasma is administered, evenly, over the part of the skin to be treated, making the results perceptible in just 2 weeks. After that time, you will show off a more luminous and firm skin. This effect can last for about 4 months, depending on the particular characteristics of each patient.

In addition, because it is a treatment based on the patient’s own blood, you will not run the risk of suffering from some type of allergic reaction. As if that were not enough, it does not leave marks or scars. In fact, it is recommended in patients who have them to attenuate or disappear them with sessions that are performed every 2 weeks.

With the use of Dermapen, very small lesions occur that the skin itself is responsible for healing, through collagen and elastin in a process of cell regeneration.

Tips for getting the Dermapen with plasma

Knowing what the benefits of this treatment are will give you the boost you need to finish making the decision to try it. Some of its benefits are:

  • It is an effective process, with which there are no unnecessary punctures or bruises.
  • Creates minimal injuries.
  • Your skin will look much brighter, firmer and with a natural and rejuvenated appearance.
  • It does not cause allergic reactions.
  • It can be applied on skin of any age.
  • It is a quick procedure, which will not take more than 30 minutes.
  • It’s painless.
  • The results are visible in just 2 weeks.

If you want to show off beautiful and rejuvenated skin, free of marks and scars, without a doubt, the Dermapen with plasma is the best option for you. This innovative aesthetic treatment guarantees you full satisfaction and, after about 4 months, you will want to apply it again.