How To Differentiate The Types Of Dermapen

How To Differentiate The Types Of Dermapen

One of the great concerns of the human being is the fact that, one day, it will deteriorate to the point of dying. This process of deterioration begins with the presence of various diseases as a result of old age.

In turn, old age causes hair to fall out and turn white, the skin to lose its freshness, the eyesight to begin to fail, the lack of vigor, the memory is lost and many more symptoms.

Therefore, man has ventured into the utopia of getting some means that allows him to live forever. From there have emerged endless theories related to fountains of eternal youth, spells, concoctions and any number of things related to the possibility of finding immortality.

All this illustrates very well the fact that the human being is not resigned to dying and that he was not designed for it. For that same reason, the cosmetic industry has gained so much importance, since it allows to attenuate the effects of the passage of time on the face and other parts of the body.

One of the tools that enjoys a lot of acceptance within the aesthetic community is the Dermapen. Surely you have already heard of it. Maybe a friend is already using it. But do you really know what it is? More importantly, are you aware of the types that are available in the market?

If you are analyzing the possibility of acquiring one, it is reasonable to think that you want to know what its main characteristics are, so that you can determine which one is best for you to buy and acquire a quality tool that allows you to enjoy its benefits. In this post I will be indicating how are the different types of Dermapen that exist.

Instructions for differentiating Dermapen types

The Dermapen is a kind of pencil that is responsible for eliminating imperfections from the face, making it look more homogeneous and smooth. Therefore, it is considered one of the latest trends within the facial aesthetics industry.

With this tool it is possible to attenuate the imperfections of the passage of time, such as wrinkles, spots, sagging, etc. Through micropunctures it activates the collagen and elastin of the face, making the skin have a more beautiful, smooth, firm and smooth appearance.

In short, it stimulates collagen naturally, so that the cell regeneration process is activated and you can make your skin look much younger. Best of all, you can not only use it on your face, but also on the rest of the body, to treat scars and stretch marks. In addition, it can be used on all skin types.

With this fast, effective and safe treatment, you can combat:

  • Wrinkles of the skin.
  • The lines of expression.
  • Stains caused by the effect of the sun.
  • The marks and scars of acne.
  • Another type of scars on the dermis, as well as other common age imperfections.

What do you need to differentiate the types of Dermapen?

Now that you know what a Dermapen is, you also need to know what the types that exist are like. For example, in terms of:

  •  The material. The best models come made with resistant and high quality materials, such as: stainless steel, aluminum alloys, titanium and surgical steel. This ensures that they last for years, perform better and are safer to use. Although it is true that there are models made of plastic that are cheaper, if you decide to buy one, make sure it is hypoallergenic and of good quality.
  •  Length of needles. For a Dermapen to be rated as good, its needles must penetrate the skin at a depth of at least 0.2 and 2.00mm. This, to help you solve your facial problems. Some models have a thread that allows you to select the length of the needles. Other models come with a button. However, what is really important is that you know what, specifically, you can use each of them for.
  •  Its speed. Keep in mind that the faster the Dermapen, the less pain and discomfort it will cause you. Therefore, the best choice would be one that allows you to adjust the speed. Most of them come with 5 speeds, which are enough to treat different parts of the body. However, there are special models that offer up to 6 speeds.
  •  Your power supply. It is possible to find models that are wireless and that work through rechargeable batteries through a USB port. There is also another that connects to the electricity outlet. In this case, the cable could end up making it difficult to manipulate the device. Especially if you don’t have enough experience. Finally, there are models that offer both modalities, that is, they are battery and also connect to the outlet. Without a doubt, these are the most versatile models.
  •  The heads and types of needles. All Dermapen comes with heads. These are the ones that contain the microneedles that cause punctures to your skin. These heads are exchanged depending on the type and number of needles you require. Therefore, it must include at least two heads. There are also other models that come with nano needle heads, which are ideal for treating sensitive skin and whether it is going to be used on the lips, nose or near the eyes.

Tips for differentiating dermapen types

Last but not least, you should take into consideration the price. Each Dermapen has a different price, depending on factors such as: the material with which it has been manufactured, the model, the number of accessories it brings, etc.

The cheapest model you can find on the market, is at 41 euros, while the most expensive, is between 120 and 150 euros. However, what determines which one you are going to buy are your demands, that is, the result you want to achieve, and your particular needs, since each person has a skin with unique characteristics.

Therefore, it is advisable that, before buying it, you visit a dermatologist for a review and prior diagnosis.