How to Cut Hair At Home

How to Cut Hair At Home

When it comes to cutting hair you always have a certain reservation for not knowing if the person who does it, is not going to cut more than it should, for this reason it is better to do it ourselves and we avoid that fear of being cut too much for this we teach you how to cut your hair at home.

For women, hair is like the veil, which helps to establish their essence as a woman and to maintain that secret that only the hair that falls in cascade offers her in opportunity to stand out as a woman in the world where men admire this.

One of the things that catch a woman’s attention is her hair as a first period and then the nails, both of the feet and hands, because this demonstrates the delicacy and care that a woman gives to the most striking parts of her body.

The lady with long hair also usually attracts the attention of other women; If you are one of those who likes to wear your hair, it is important that you know how to cut your hair yourself and thus not leave it in the hands of other people who can damage or astonish it.

What do you need to cut your hair at home?

  •  Care.
  •  Improvement.
  •  Long or short hair.
  •  Shampoo.
  •  Hair softener.
  •  Professional scissors.
  •  Towel.
  •  Water.
  •  Comb or brush.
  •  Dryer.
  •  Iron.

Instructions for cutting hair at home

The hair or hair is part of the head that attracts the attention of those who are stylists and lovers of different styles, so it is important to establish contact with those who know about it to keep it always soft, manageable, shiny and with volume.

There are many styles of hair, but the most prominent are straight, wavy and curly, the latter should always be worn long so that it is not a problem or can look long and well loose the curls of the person who uses this style.

In addition, the hair should always be a function of the person’s face in addition to their body shape, since an obese person short hair will always make more kilos than normal, however the mane gives more styling.

This is how hair is cut

  1. The first thing to keep in mind is to wash the hair with shampoo, for which you must do it two or three times depending on the grease and dirt that it has and then remove the excess soap with plenty of water to leave it clean and without impurities.
  2. The hair softener should be used only at the ends and for this you must take a portion of the product in the palm of your hand and then place it on the ends, because if you do it at the root you can run the risk of making it greasy.
  3. After this you must wash the hair conditioner of the same so that you can remove any residue from it and thus stay with the hair looser, manageable and without the risk of being too greasy at the time of drying and ironing.
  4. It is important that this step is given without problems and so when cutting you will also find that it is easy to handle while it is wet, otherwise if the hair is left with traces it will be conditioner, you will feel that it is a problem to use the scissors.
  5. Divide the hair into sections, the first of them should be established in half from the center of the nose back to the middle of the head leaving two well differentiated sides, which you will take and take with a clamp on each side of the head.
  6. You must also divide the back hair into two well-differentiated sections that you will take and take with a clamp on each side of the head as you did in the front of the hair, leaving 4 separate hair sections.
  7. It is important to note that in this step you will see your hair divided into 4 equal parts to start making use of professional scissors and start cutting the ends in the way that follows and from back to front.
  8. You take on one side first and then on the other side sections or strands of hair and cut the ends, that is, a section on one side and a section on the other side and so on successively until you finish the two parts divided from behind.
  9. Subsequently you begin to cut in the two sections of the front in the same way as you did in the back, first one section and then the other, alternately taking a strand on one side and then a strand on the other side.
  10. Also after checking that the ends of the hair in front are the same length and verifying that you have cut all the parts properly, you will retake the two sections of hair in the front and the two sections of hair in the back.
  11. These sections must be properly collected with tweezers so that the hair can be well groomed and thus begin to dry the hair with the professional dryer to verify that the cut has been clean and well done.
  12. Then you take strand by strand to pass the professional dryer with the special large brush of drying and dry from the root to the tip stretching each strand well, ensuring that the hair is loose and manageable.
  13. In the same way after drying with the drying each strand, you can take the hair straightener and stretch from the root to the tip without problems, so that it is well combed and stylized and so you take each section of the hair.
  14. It is important that the cut is done in a sectional way to avoid that there are longer ends than others or the hair does not fit well, so you will avoid rare lengths and completely rounded hair when cutting the ends in a professional way.
  15. Apart from all this, you should also take into account the length of the hair, since these steps serve for women who have medium manes or on the shoulders, because for those who have longer hair you must take another form.
  16. Women with longer hair should take into account passing all their hair forward and from there carefully cut the ends to avoid cutting too much, also if you want a professional cut you can choose to go to an expert stylist.
  17. Men are usually easier to cut their hair, since they have it relatively short and it is enough to roast a machine at the bottom and the rest with scissors, always above the fingertips to make it perfect.
  18. Taking the step of cutting your hair at home is not easy for those who are going to be for the first time, but it can be a way to start having personal care by being the one who does it without fear and always with a firm pulse so as not to make mistakes.

Tips for cutting hair at home

  • A good cut is made by any stylist, but you can have dry-ended hair yourself at home.
  • You can cut your hair once a month on crescent moon days.