How to Cover a Tattoo

How to Cover a Tattoo

Sometimes, out of inexperience or an attack of impulsivity, we make a lot of mistakes. For example, who hasn’t repented, more than once, for something he said when he was upset? Perhaps with that comment he hurt someone else’s feelings.

Or, who hasn’t made a decision guided by emotion and then, thinking with a cool head, realized that he made a serious mistake? Actually, these are situations that happen to us very often. And it is that we are human beings and, in our nature, there is acting first and then thinking, when in reality things should be the other way around.

These mistakes are usually very common, especially when we are in the stage of adolescence. This stage of our lives is characterized by going against any rule.

It is for that reason that, in general, teenagers usually dress in black, listen to genres of music such as rock, punk or any other of that type.

The earlobe, nose, eyebrow, tongue and even the nipples are also pierced. But some go further. At this stage the desire to mark your skin with tattoos arises. If they are in love, they usually try to tattoo their partner’s name or, at least, their initial.

But, when the romance has passed, what can be done now with the tattoo?… It is not a drawing that can be erased with soap and water. It’s actually a permanent mark on the skin.

It could be said that there is no longer time for regrets. But is that really the case? Can anything be done to remove or at least cover a tattoo? If that is your case, you cannot stop reading this article because we will give you some recommendations.

Instructions for covering a tattoo

When we decided to get a tattoo we overlooked some important details. For example, the texture of the skin over the years, the change of opinion or circumstance, the experience of the tattoo artist, etc.

Some people might think that the best way to cover up a tattoo, now that it’s unwanted, is to highlight your skin. The truth is that this is a very risky mission because not all tattoo artists are professionals. Perhaps, instead of a grace, you end up making an even bigger mistake.

So, if you do not want to risk it, it is best to appeal to makeup. It is true that this could be enslaving, since you would have to make it up every time you go out or on special occasions. But he thinks that women put on makeup every day and there is no problem with that. When you have the practice, it will be done much faster.

The first thing you should do is clean the area where the tattoo is located. This, with the purpose that the makeup has a good final finish. For this you can use a makeup remover.

The next step is to apply a concealer, such as the one used to cover dark circles. This is the best of the options, as it is one of the densest products you can find. For this reason they cover more than ordinary makeup.

When you are going to apply it, you should do it by spreading it regularly throughout the area. You can use a makeup sponge to do it. Remember that you must blur the edges so that it can be better concealed.

Now you will have to apply the makeup. You can use everyday makeup, but if you want something more professional, you can use it as a spray. You can apply makeup with your fingers or with a sponge or brush. The really important thing is that it can be sufficiently blurred, to the point that it merges with the tone of your skin.

In order to avoid excess shine, you should apply a compact translucent powder on the makeup.

Finally, so that the covering with makeup is much more resistant to rubbing and sweat, it is recommended that you apply a light layer of lacquer for the hair, the one our mothers used in the 80s. It is ideal to have a more durable finish.

With this in mind, what do you need to cover a tattoo?

What do you need to cover a tattoo?

Visiting a tattoo artist again could be a very frustrating experience and also painful and expensive. As we explained above, the best thing you can do is use makeup to cover the mistakes of the past.

But what exactly do you need? We will be listing it below:

  1.  The first thing on the list should be a makeup remover to be able to properly clean the area that you are going to make up. Of course, we could also use hydrogen peroxide or ethyl alcohol.
  2.  Cotton or gauze to use when cleaning the skin.
  3.  A concealer of dark circles.
  4.  Everyday makeup. For a much more professional finish you can use special makeup for theater.
  5.  A sponge or brush to apply makeup.
  6.  A compact translucent powder to remove makeup shine and make it look much more natural.
  7.  Hairspray to make makeup more resistant to rubbing or body sweating.

With these elements you can achieve your goal, cover that unwanted tattoo. It should be noted that no matter if you are a man or a woman, you will need the same materials.

But what tips should you keep in mind when covering a tattoo?

Tips for covering a tattoo

It is important that you keep in mind that, when covering a tattoo, you must choose a concealer that resembles the natural color of your skin. If the concealer is lighter or darker, the makeup will not look uniform and therefore will not look natural.

Instead of going unnoticed, more than one will notice it. Then, the remedy will be worse than the disease. They will constantly ask you what you have on your skin or what you are trying to hide and the purpose is not to be giving explanations about the decisions we make.

So make sure the color of the concealer is appropriate. To check it, you can apply a little on your forearm or on your hand, if it is not easily perceived, that is the one you should buy.

Moreover, although makeup is one of the most viable solutions to hide a tattoo, it is not the only option you can consider. You also have the possibility to cover it, temporarily, using clothes or some other accessories.

It is true that you could use the turtleneck to cover tattoos on the neck, there are also the long sleeves to hide those of the arms. However, in our closet, we don’t always have a lot of variety like this to use.

But, don’t let the pot go away! There is always the possibility of using the so-called cuffs and special legs to cover the tattoos of the arms or legs. This is excellent, sobetodo if you have very large tattoos. That way you will save a lot of euros on makeup.

They are a kind of elastic stocking, made specifically with lycra material, but thicker so that you can cover the tattoo well. They do not move or compress so you can use them for hours, if you wish.

Plus, they’re easy to put on and take off, so it won’t take you long to put them on or remove.

Thus, you can look as if you have never marked your skin with a tattoo. Therefore, the recommendation is that, before making one, you take into consideration some important aspects.

For example, the passage of time, the texture of the skin, the fact that at any time you can gain weight or lose weight, that it is a stage of life, the experience of the tattoo artist, among many other things. Remember that it is a permanent brand.