How to Comb Curly Hair

How to Comb Curly Hair

Without a doubt, combing curly hair is more complicated than it seems, since it is a very, very rebellious hair that cannot be tamed so easily and with which you have to take many precautions when combing it.

Curly hair is a very rebellious hair, which instead of being totally straight like straight hair, this hair makes curves or curls. If it is combed correctly, it is a hair that looks very beautiful, but if it is not combed correctly, it could give you an image of quite undesirable neglect.

For example, a well-combed curly hair can make you look like a famous person or it can highlight your attractiveness a lot. There are women with curly hair who look great and men with curly hair who are very handsome with it. This shows that you can not only have straight hair and be an attractive person.

However, curly hair cannot be combed in any way, because if we do it the wrong way, after two minutes it will be put back in the way we do not want. It is a rebellious hair that must be taken care of very well, because if we do not do it it will get rowdy, giving us that already mentioned image of a lanky person that we do not want.

Whether you are a man or a woman, you can comb your curly hair very well. However, you have to know how to comb it correctly in each case. In men it is a little easier if it is short hair, but in women with long hair it is more complicated to comb because you can be very rowdy and spoiled.

If you do not know how to comb curly hair and you want to learn how to do it to look great or great, you are in the right place, since we are going to teach you step by step so that you learn it correctly.

Instructions for combing curly hair

  1. Combing in wet hair:
    The first thing you should know to comb curly hair is that in most cases, you should comb with wet hair instead of dry hair. Curly hair when dried remains immovable, especially if it is very long, something that does not happen with smooth weight. However, wet hair can be combed, since it remains as if it were smooth and we will be able to mold it for a while. In this way, we will have to look at how to comb the straight hair when it is wet and never when it is dry. If we want to comb our hair, we must wet our hair before, if possible, after having taken a good shower and after having washed our hair. When it is wet enough, we will have it ready and we can start combing it in the right way.

  2. The brush:
    The brush for curly hair is important, as this brush is much harder than a conventional comb. For people who have very rebellious hair and cannot comb it, the brush should be much harder than that of straight hair. The hair must be combed by squeezing, to be able to the hair fibers in the place that corresponds to it. However, you should not squeeze too much so as not to spoil the hair, since some fibers could be torn from it. Therefore, if the hair is wet, it will be much easier to do than if it is dry, in which many hair fibers will be pulled out and will not be on top of the shape you want it to be.

  3. Foam:
    Another product that can come in handy is hair foam, since a curly hair foam can make it look much better. First of all, you have to choose a foam well and not skimp on expenses, since expensive foams are worth it and leave the hair very well, with perfect wavy curls that will make us look very good. In the case of boys, it can help you to keep the curls in place and that there is no rowdy hair. The foam is poured as always on wet hair and must be left to act before combing. Once you have cast it, you will see how the hair is left the way you want it to be, thus achieving a better aesthetic and a great attraction when combing our hair. The way to cast it is to correctly profile the hair, so that it is perfectly combed and the way we want, that is, as if it were a fixing gel, which we will talk about now.

  4. In boys, fixing gel and short hair:
    Boys who have curly hair too rebellious is better to cut their hair, since a curly short hair is practically like smooth, that is, easy to comb and beautiful. Boys with rebellious hair usually cut their hair very frequently, thus achieving a very short hair and a hair of great quality and attractive. However, they also do more things with their hair, being the classic fixing gel or gum the ideal ally of them. The gummy is thrown by the hair when it is wet. While the hair is full of gum, you have to comb the hair the way you want. Then, the hair will dry and remain fixed until the gum leaves, achieving that fixing effect we want. It can also be made with fixing wax and other similar products, which look great if you know how to throw them out. Of course, keep in mind that they are abrasive products that could destroy the hair if they are abused and if you are going to be bald by inheritance, this could advance it.
  5. Use products to make hair less rebellious:
    Another thing to do is wash your hair with products that make your hair less rebellious, such as a softener or shampoo with conditioner. This class of products makes the hair thinner and can be combed much better than natural hair. The hair will be softer and will remain combed for much longer than if you do not, so try to get products similar to this and of course, apply them on your hair so that they are in the right way. Of course, keep in mind again that here the cheap is expensive and that you should not skimp on expenses for the hair to be in the right way.

Straighten your hair:
If your hair is very rebellious, you always have the option to straighten it, something that will make it smooth and easy to comb. The immediate way is with hair straighteners, which are not worth much money and serve very well for this task. However, hair straighteners should not be used daily, as they can break the hair. You can also do a permanent straightening, such as Asian straightening which will leave your hair ready from the root and will have it ready for a long time. There are also other types of straightening, which are made in hairdressing. Study the best option quality price and go ahead with it.