How To Avoid Pimples On The Face

How To Avoid Pimples On The Face

They are uncomfortable, ugly, make you feel insecure and in many cases are even painful. We talk about the pimples on the face. Those beings who appear without knowing very well why and who decide to stay with us for several days.

It is difficult to have a face free of them if you do not take care of the skin. The first thing to keep in mind is the skin type of each person, since the products used usually vary. There are three types of skin:

  1. Dry. They have no fat on their face, so products containing oils can be used
  2. Fats. The skin itself is conducive to creating fat, so the products we use have to be free of oils (oil free) or the face will worsen.
  3. Mixed. For this type of skin they are usually worth all kinds of products.

On dry skin it is more difficult to find acne, although not impossible. As a general rule, fats have a more acne tendency and do not usually have wrinkles over the years, just the opposite of what happens with dry skin. Although, like everything, there are always exceptions. That is why here we give some tips to prevent them from leaving and in the event that they appear, how to make them leave in the shortest possible time.

In the event that the grain has come out and we are about to explode it, it is important to have a cotton and alcohol on hand, to disinfect it correctly and that the pus does not spread to the rest of the face.

Instructions for avoiding pimples on the face

There would be several types of products depending on where we are. If the grains have not yet appeared and what you want is to prevent them from coming out: here we will include the products called to prevent; and then when the acne has come out and what you want is to end it: in this case it is to cure or eliminate it.

To prevent:

  1. Clean your face daily. In the morning to prepare the face for the rest of the day and at night, which is the time when the skin takes the opportunity to rest and recover. To the cleaning with some gel, it is convenient to add a product that absorbs the fat (in the case of skin with acne tendency) at night and only a couple of times a week.
  2.  Go to bed without makeup. In the case of women, or a man who applies a makeup product, it is important to take everything off with a good cleaning before going to sleep. With makeup the pores of the skin are covered and can not breathe, therefore the skin absorbs part of that makeup that has not been removed and favors the appearance of pimples, oily skin and even blackheads.
  3. Drink plenty of water. It is a way to cleanse the body, in this case through urine. It is advisable to drink about two liters a day, which would be equivalent to 5 or 6 glasses of water a day.
  4. Feed yourself. Eat fruits and vegetables. These are antioxidants and favor a healthier and prettier skin without pimples. As well as avoiding excess fried foods and junk food, which harm our body, including the skin.

    To delete:
  5. Exfoliating. This product what it does is tear off the dead skin, which cleanses our face and removes fat. These products or creams usually have a brush to drag or clean; have texture in the cream; or even with a glove.
  6. Alcohol. And products that dry out the skin. In this way they absorb fat and prevent pimples from coming out. These products cannot be used assiduously, because alcohol ends up drying out the skin and can even peel it if the product is abused.
  7. Steam (to open pores). The problem with the pimple is that it has formed because inside the skin is dirty. What you have to do is clean it and thus favor that they do not come out. To do this, you have to open the pores and remove the dirt. This is done with a steam bath: a container is taken and water is boiled, then we take a towel and cover our heads so that between the container and our face there is no place through which the steam escapes. And when the pores open it will be much easier to exploit the annoying acne.
  8. Mask. Another option is to prepare a homemade mask. This is a dough that, after its elaboration, is applied to the face, left to act for a few minutes and later removed, as is the case with the carrot: cut it into pieces, cook it with water and make it a puree; or also something less cumbersome: crush an aspirin and mix it with water, get a paste to form and apply it only on the granites so that they disappear.
  9. Toothpaste. It is a widely used remedy. When a grain appears you have to dry it, get rid of the fat inside, the famous pus. Many times the grain has just come out and does not have that whitish point that allows us to exploit it, then we have to get it to come out to make it easier, but we will only hurt ourselves, there will be a very red mark on the face and the grain will continue in the same place. A good technique is to use toothpaste. This remedy has to be used at night while one sleeps. A small amount of toothpaste is applied and left overnight. When the pasty cream has been on the skin for a while it begins to get hard and that is what dries the grain so that, the next morning we get up (probably without cream because the face will have absorbed it almost entirely) and we can finish with the grain of which we will see the white spot.

What do you need to avoid pimples on your face?

  • Cleansing gel or cream
  • Exfoliating. It can be in cream, with a cleaning brush that drags dirt or with a glove.
  • Alcohol
  • Cotton
  • Water
  • Container with boiling water
  • Towel
  • Toothpaste

Tips to avoid pimples on the face

  • Have cotton on hand to exploit the grain and alcohol or disinfectant to clean the area and your hands well once you have finished, otherwise the pus can spread to another area of the face and you will have to repeat the same process after a few days.
  • Be constant. Cleaning is very important and this has to be done every day on several occasions. If one is not constant, the cleanliness will have been useless.
  • Don’t forget to remove your makeup before you go to sleep. It is almost more important than cleansing, since if we clean the face in the morning but we go to bed with makeup, when we get up the face will be doubly dirty and the pores will have absorbed many impurities, so the skin will be more sensitive to produce acne.
  • Do not exploit the grain if there is no pus point. Many times the area becomes red and swollen, but there is no point to explode. If we try to kill the grain at that time, we will only be able to hurt ourselves and put on a red face. If the pus spot is not there, it is better to wait for it to appear to remove it at once and with less pain.
  • When exfoliating your skin try to do it with circular movements. If you move the cream, glove or exfoliating bristles from top to bottom you are not tearing off the dirt well. Circular motions make it easier for pores to open and the skin to clean more easily.
  • Look carefully at the product label. If you have oily skin do not buy anything that has oils, as it will worsen your skin. Notice that in the description of the product put oil free or oil-free.