Home Remedies For Puffy Eyes

Home Remedies For Puffy Eyes

Sometimes we wake up in the morning with slightly swollen eyes. This can happen for many different reasons: it may be that we have had a bad night, that we have not rested properly or perhaps it may be a symptom that warns us that we are starting to retain fluids.

Day-to-day stress and hectic activity at work don’t help either. If we add to this the age, because the years do not forgive us any, the possible genetic causes or a growing tendency towards allergies due to the amount of chemicals that have settled comfortably in our daily lives, it is not surprising that from time to time we notice our bulging eyes.

When can we consider that we really have swollen eyes?

Sometimes we can see a very slight increase in the volume of our eyelids, something that is not excessive and that we probably do not have to worry about. The most normal thing is that you realize this phenomenon as soon as you wake up, which is completely logical, because, as a general rule, the whole body is somewhat more swollen at that time of day. Look at your freshly raised lips if you don’t finish believing me.

We can consider that our eyes are really swollen when they seem bulkier than usual and are slightly reddened. And not just during the twenty minutes after waking up, but throughout the day. In addition, this swelling may be accompanied by other symptoms, such as dark circles.

Be that as it may, it is annoying and unsightly. On top of that, it forces you to put up with the comments of your colleagues and feel less atractiv@ throughout the day. Luckily, here you can find some super simple tricks to prevent this from happening and regain your gaze. Do you want to know how to do it? Well, read the following post and find the solution that best suits what you need.


Some tricks for you

  1. Take care of your diet daily. Although it seems like a topic of so much repeating it, what works best for this problem and practically any other related to the state of your health, is to take care of your diet Eat in a healthy and balanced way and increase the intake of fruits and vegetables during the week. If you follow the saying of eating 5 pieces of fruits and vegetables a day, you will see that the results are spectacular. Increase your intake of vitamin A, B and C through fruit, and minerals such as zinc with products such as meat. Reduce alcohol and tobacco consumption and lower the amount of salt you add to your meals to avoid fluid retention. We are what we eat, don’t forget.
  2. Make an express beauty treatment with cucumber slices.

Buy one salad cucumber at the market, wash its skin with fresh water, dry it with a tea towel and make a couple of slices. Now, put them in your eyes and rest your eyes for 15 minutes. Make sure they are properly placed over the most puffy areas of your eyes. You can lie quietly on the couch and listen to some music for the duration of the treatment. Although it seems like a cliché of the American movies of the 50s, the regenerative properties of cucumber on our skin are spectacular. This is due to its high content of vitamins A, B and C, ideal for improving the elasticity and appearance of the dermis. A solution very easy to apply and always have at hand.

Apply ice to the affected area. Ice has always been used to reduce swelling of different parts of the body. The easiest way to use it is to put a few cubes inside a frozen bag and wrap it in a damp tea towel. If you do not have ice, you can use some food that you keep in the freezer also covered with a cloth. Then apply it without squeezing on the affected area, in this case our eyes, and keep it that way for approximately 15 minutes. You can move it from time to time if you notice excess cold on your skin. After this time you will see how the swelling has diminished or even disappeared from your eyes.

 Rest 8 hours a day. It is important that you sleep for 8 hours every night, but more importantly that during this time, REST. If you go to bed stressed or nervous, it will take you to fall asleep, and even if you slept 8 hours, it would not help you at all. If you are somewhat upset before going to sleep, you are advised to take a relaxing infusion a couple of hours before and disconnect either watching TV, reading a book, helping your children do their homework. I recommend chamomile with anise to improve digestion, mixed with a rooibos or a linden. If you use a couple of chamomile bags, once they have infused, do not throw them away. Leave them aside on a plate and allow them to cool. You can apply each of your sachets in one eye as a poultice and let them stay there for 15 minutes. The skin will be instantly relieved and the swelling will subside.