Best Ways To Decrease Your Dark Circles

Best Ways To Decrease Your Dark Circles

Everyone knows what dark circles are, and how they appear. Commonly it is when you have a lack of sleep, bone that you do not meet the recommended 8 hours so that our body and mind are fresh and ready for the next day which will be full of physical and mental activities. And it is not only sleep, it can also be thanks to the family history of dark circles, allergies, tiredness. And even exposing them too long to the sun or rubbing them excessively. It has always been a beauty issue as with our work or anything that has happened to us, we had to stay up all night.

 In addition, they are too difficult to remove. This is what I mean is as if a mark is left on your eyes, since the blood vessels want area, dilate. Which are showing a color that is darker and we compare it with your skin color. And you may be wondering, how can I decrease my dark circles? Well, do not worry, since in this article you will know about different ways to reduce your dark circles. With nothing else to mention, let’s get started.


  • Tea bags: These bags should be either chamomile or green tea. Caffeinated tea has several natural tannins. Which can help you in terms of swelling of your eyes. What you should do is immerse 2 sachets in hot water so that they are absorbed. And after several minutes you leave them to get cold in the refrigerator for about 2 or 3 minutes. Then, you take out the already cold bags and put them on where the dark circles are. Each side should last about 5 minutes on. And you keep it up until your dark circles are decreasing.
  • Spoons: It may sound simple, and it is, but it’s one of the fastest methods out there. You should only put 2 spoons to cool in the refrigerator. And when they’re too cold, you take them out and put them in your ears. You can also use the round side of this object to massage the entire contour of the tear to the outer corner of the eye. So that it is fenced making a lymphatic drainage.
  •  Slices of potato or cucumber: These being the most popular. Just cut several slices of cucumber or potato. And you put them in your eyes for about 10 or 20 minutes. They have to be cold, either fresh out of the refrigerator or they had already been there.
  • Sleep more: If your hours of sleep are less than recommended and that a person should sleep. It’s best to organize your evening schedule. Since we have to respect our hour of sleep. Because if dark circles can not appear in our eyes, and no one wants that.

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More tips

  • Change your sleeping position: If you are one of the people who sleep on your stomach. You should never do it again as it has its disadvantages. Which they are. That your face when crushed will generate wrinkles and dark circles. And if you already have them, then they will get worse. And by putting your face on the pillow, your case may have dirt, allergens, or dust. Generating swelling due to allergy in your eyes and in addition to the famous dark circles.
  • Hydrate: If you drink the recommended amount of water daily. Dark circles will decrease very slowly but surely.
  • Don’t watch too much TV or not spend too much time on the phone: Everyone can have eye strain, and thanks to that. They can cause dark circles, so you’d better cut back on the time you spend when you use your cell phone, computer and/or television.

Conclusion It is not so necessary to use all methods. You can choose the method that caught your attention, bone that you found interesting and you want to use it. In addition, these are not the only methods you have to reduce dark circles. If you search the internet, you can find more home remedies to deal with dark circles in your eyes. And you can also find totally different methods and several that are better than the previous ones. But of course, maybe it requires you to buy something. If you liked this article, you may also like to read about “How to permanently remove pimples from the face”