Benefits Of Tea Tree To Treat Acne

Benefits Of Tea Tree To Treat Acne

One of the most beautiful stages in man’s life is the arrival of adolescence. During that stage, you begin to experience a series of new sensations. In addition, you are a little more independent and begin to assume new responsibilities.

 Teenagers embark on the path that will lead them to adulthood. Much of what they do during that stage will have repercussions in the future. These can be good or bad.

However, these experiences are not the only ones that will mark your life. They should also pay close attention to the way they treat their body, since many of these actions lead them to suffer from diseases such as obesity, anorexia, migraine and even acne.

However, no matter how much they take care of themselves, it is normal that the so unwanted acne appears to make theirs. If not controlled in time, this could become a big problem. In addition, it can affect the self-esteem of the young person and reduce self-confidence, security when interacting with others and could even cause problems when establishing romantic relationships.

In such a case, what can be done to minimize the impact of acne on the young person’s face? What is helpful in treating it? Something that will be very useful to you is tea tree oil. Have you ever heard of it?

Regardless of whether the answer is yes or no, in this post I will be sharing with you some of the great benefits of this oil when it comes to treating acne, which means if you are suffering from acne or if you know someone you want to help, you cannot stop reading what I have to tell you. It can mean a before and after in your life.


Tea tree oil is one of the most versatile out there. Its number of applications is almost inexhaustible. In addition, many of them go beyond personal health and well-being. In view of this, it is essential to be able to count on one all the time, since it can get you out of trouble.

While it is true that its name could indicate that there is a relationship with the plant from which the infusion is obtained, the truth is that it is extracted from the leaves of a small tree in Australia.

On the other hand, although tea tree essential oil has many properties and can be used in many ways, in this post I will tell you how it can help you treat acne. Some of its benefits, in this particular, are the following:

  • It can attack the cell membranes of the bacteria responsible for the presence of acne and eliminate them.
  • Since it has the active component terpinen-4-ol, it plays a fundamental role in the destruction of fungi.
  • This same component is also related to the decrease in inflammation caused by mites that attack the skin and eyes.

Due to all these excellent properties, the oil could end up contributing to the treatment against acne. In fact, it can help in the prevention of future outbreaks. However, this must be diluted. In addition, it should be used under prescription and medical supervision.

If the person does not use it in the indicated way, it can cause a series of adverse reactions. For example: itching, dryness and irritation. In addition, it should not be ingested, as it could cause serious poisoning.

Now that you know what its benefits are, if you suffer from acne or are prone to suffer, you will surely want to start using it. But how can you do it?

What You Need

To treat a case of mild acne with distilled water and tea tree oil, you need to do the following:

  1. Wash your face with a mild cleanser and dry it thoroughly.
  2. In a small bowl, combine a tablespoon of distilled water with a few drops of tea tree essential oil. Mix them well.
  3. Then, apply a thin layer of the mixture to your face or the area where you have acne. Do it with the help of a cotton ball and allow it to dry well.
  4. Finally, use a moisturizer that does not contain fat.

If you want to use tea tree oil with castor oil, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the pores of your skin with steam and cleanse your face gently with a facial cleanser in order to remove all the dirt that is accumulated in them. This way, you’ll be less likely to get clogged and pimples to appear.
  2. To contract the pores, rinse the area with plenty of cold water.
  3. Moisten a cloth with warm water and place castor oil and tea tree oil on it.
  4. Put the cloth on the affected area and make gentle circular movements in the areas where you have acne breakouts.
  5. It allows these oils to act on the skin throughout the night so that they hydrate it well and can extract all the existing dirt.
  6. In the morning, wash your face using a facial cleanser to remove oils applied overnight and you’re good to go!

As you have been able to realize, these are very simple procedures and, in addition, they are not painful. They do not involve having to squeeze the affected area or anything like that, as young people usually do when they see a pimple on their face.