Tricks To Avoid Pimples On The Face

Tricks To Avoid Pimples On The Face

Discover with what simple tips you can avoid pimples on the face, reduce their presence or eliminate their appearance by following the instructions of; it looks a healthy skin, free of annoying and unsightly pimples.

The main factors but not the only ones that cause the appearance of pimples on the face are oily skin, hormonal changes, the affectation of environmental pollution, dirt, poor diet, the consumption of large amounts of fats, lack of hydration and a very important but not always present that is the hereditary factor.

The purpose is to ensure that the least amount of toxins possible enter our body and then are expelled by other natural means such as the intestines, lungs, kidneys and bladder; achieving that the other means of expulsion of toxins that is the skin, expels the least possible amount.

We will detail how to ensure that the least amount of toxins possible enter and that they are expelled from the body by other means.

Another fact to take into account not only for the appearance of pimples on the face but for life itself is to reduce stress, it is clear that this attentive to each of the corners of the body, although to a lesser extent the face is not saved from the siege of stress and grains are one of its weapons; they never took a minute to think because a pimple appears just when it does the most damage, for example on the wedding day, when you have an important appointment or a company lunch in which things are defined, or in exams or on the first day of work; in stressful situations of nervousness, because there is this grain.

We will not emphasize the rules of good customs and hygiene such as not smoking, washing fruits and vegetables, consuming as few processed products as possible, consuming products without additives, showering every day, etc.; all advice that should be applied to life itself whether or not you have pimples on your face.

Following a few simple instructions and one simple tips we will be able to reduce and even eliminate the appearance of pimples on the face.


  1. The first thing we have to take into account is hygiene, the skins are different from each other but it is usually the oiliest skins that generate the most grains, we recommend washing the face well with a neutral soap or with a special cleanser for skin; both in the morning and at night at bedtime. Having clean skin reduces the likelihood that some pimples will not come out because of the sweat accumulated during the day, the accumulation of dirt and the increasing environmental and pollution attacks in cities.
  2. Other important tasks to keep the face free of pimples is exfoliation, it is recommended to use the right products once a week in order to remove all dead dirt and cell that may cover and prevent the normal development of pores. The peeling is an interesting alternative or complement, make a natural peel using salt, sugar or baking soda, is not only economical but helps keep the skin of the face healthy and healthy.
  3. Approximately every 15 days it is convenient to perform a deep skin cleanse. Today we have a wide range of possibilities to perform this task at home with total guarantee, we have at our disposal a wide variety of personal cleaning products and facial masks with which we can eliminate impurities and keep our skin healthy and free of pimples.
  4. Apart from cleaning and care, it is essential to maintain a healthy diet, do not consume fats or at least consume the least amount possible, fried foods, pastries, junk food, affect your body and especially your face producing fat and increasing the chances of causing pimples.
  5. Within the diet it is important that it contains good amounts of antioxidants and vitamins, these provide the skin in general and the face in particular with a healthy and shiny texture. Consuming fruits and vegetables is indispensable in a healthy diet and ideal for the maintenance of the skin.
  6. The consumption of water is another of the points that we can not overlook, having a hydrated skin and eliminating toxins through the urine, has a positive impact on the skin and especially on the face. Our body must eliminate a large amount of toxins, it will be more the more fat we consume and how much we have an unhealthy life; if we drink an amount less than necessary that is estimated at about two liters of liquids a day, the body expels toxins through the skin, creating and causing small infections in the pores, when these are very close and on the face causes that unsightly and annoying vision that we want to avoid. We must warn that within the liquids are not alcoholic beverages, sugary soft drinks or sugary juices, all these as bad for the body as for the health of the skin.
  7. Another factor to take into account is digestion, a bad digestion causes many toxins that should be expelled by natural means such as the intestines, remain inside the body and end up leaving through the skin causing the dreaded grains.
  8. An important help is exposure to the sun, with about fifteen minutes we will achieve that the skin improves in appearance, this is because the sun’s rays act on the sebaceous glands reducing the appearance of pimples.
  9. A separate issue is that of hair, having a lot of hair and a considerable length on the forehead, especially women; causes the fat and moisture of this to accumulate covering the pores of the area, when sweating and finding the clogged pore our body reacts causing a small infection so common in the age of childhood and youth.
  10. Finally we must warn about the use of cosmetic products with harmful substances, many of these derived from petroleum that generate allergies and irritations that end up producing acne.


  • We can say that the appearance of pimples on the face is not due to a single factor, but even so, assuming the responsibility of keeping the face clean, hydrating with two liters of liquids per day and maintaining a healthy and healthy diet, the appearance of pimples will decrease or directly disappear from our face.
  • Use paper towels or soft fabrics to dry your face after each wash, pressing gently so as not to damage the skin and in case of pimples do not cause a worsening with the enlargement of the infection.
  • Harmful foods are those that have large amounts of transgenic fats, sugar, fried foods, additives, refined foods, high-fat dairy, milk chocolate, sausages and cold cuts.
  • Another reason is poor digestion, this causes the corresponding toxins not to be eliminated, remaining in the body and then they will be expelled through the skin.
  • The consumption of alcoholic beverages also causes acne.
  • Pollution especially in large cities.
  • Cosmetic products with toxic substances.
  • Stress.

In short, if we have a healthy life, we consume healthy food, we expose ourselves to the sun for a few minutes, we hydrate ourselves with two liters of water per day, we take care of our skin with daily hygiene, using creams and natural makeup, without harmful elements, we perform a periodic cleaning thoroughly; we will be able to reduce and even eliminate the annoying and unsightly pimples that some headache has caused us.