How To Grow Eyelashes With Essential Oils

How To Grow Eyelashes With Essential Oils

They say that there are looks that can kill and others, fall in love. The truth is that the eye, as such, is not an organ that can convey emotions. In reality, those who are responsible for transmitting these sensations are the set of elements that are related to the eye.

 Among the elements that make up the look, are the eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelids, tear, frown and even cheekbones. Therefore, if you want to give intensity to your look, it is necessary that you give special attention to certain details.

 For example, the shape of the eyebrows, the color of makeup you wear, as well as the amount you wear and the length of your eyelashes.

If you are a lover of natural beauty, you may want to use other means to improve the length of your eyelashes, without taking unnecessary risks. In this case, something that can help you is the use of essential oils.

You’ve probably heard of them and their properties. In fact, you may use them in your beauty routine. But, until now, you hadn’t done it to increase the length of your eyelashes.

If you want to give an attractive and different nuance to your eyelashes, you can not stop reading this brief, but interesting, post. In it, I will share with you some beauty secrets that have given good results to hundreds of women around the world.

In addition to increasing the length of your eyelashes, you will be able to keep them well moisturized. In this way, you will get the eyes to look expressive and striking. Therefore, do not miss any detail. Let’s see it right now.

Instructions for Growing Eyelashes with Essential Oils

In addition to fulfilling an aesthetic role, eyelashes play a protective role on our face, in what way? They are responsible for preventing dust, as well as other external agents, from reaching the inside of our eyes.

However, some environmental factors can weaken them and, as a result, they stop growing or lose their volume.

It is true that there are many cosmetic products that are intended to counteract these effects. However, not everyone can access them as they are usually too expensive to use as part of a treatment.

But don’t be discouraged, there are always natural options we can turn to. In fact, they are considered better because they nourish and strengthen the eyelashes, just like conventional treatments and without risk of suffering side effects, such as hair falls or allergies.

This is where essential oils come into play. But which ones should you use and how should you apply them? It is important that you follow the instructions below:

Jojoba oil

This is one of the best essential oils to promote the natural growth of eyelash hair, since it is a product rich in ceramides, a fatty acid that is responsible for nourishing the hair in depth and reduces the possibility of falls of it.

 To use it, you just have to dip a cotton swab or mascara brush in jojoba oil and apply it from the root of the eyelashes to the tips, every night before going to bed. If you wish, you can combine it in equal parts with coconut or olive oil.

This is a product that has a high content of vitamins A, B and E. Therefore, it is responsible for nourishing the hairs and enhancing their healthy growth, so that the final result is very voluminous eyelashes.

To use it, you just need to moisten a cotton swab in the oil and apply it on the eyelashes. Repeat this routine every night before going to sleep.

Now, these are just 3 essential oils that can help grow your eyelashes naturally. But what else do you need to know?

What do you need to grow eyelashes with essential oils?

Thanks to its fatty acids and vitamins, it has the ability to improve the appearance of skin and hair. In addition, it is a great ally to keep the eyelashes hydrated, since its nutrients are assimilated very easily.

 Use it as follows: Rub a small amount of castor oil on your eyelashes and allow it to act throughout the night. In case you are bothered by its texture, you can dilute it by combining it with a little olive oil.

This is a product of plant origin, which can be included in our beauty routine in many ways. Thanks to its wonderful properties it strengthens the hair of your eyelashes and increases its volume.

 You can use it in two ways: by applying it directly to your eyelashes, with the help of a mascara brush, or as an eye makeup remover.

 To do this, heat a small amount of olive oil. Then, check that the temperature is right to apply it on your eyelashes. Do it with the help of a hyposo and allow him to act throughout the night. Repeat this action 3 times a week.

 The use of essential oils can be the solution you are looking for so much to the problem of having weak and brittle eyelashes. In addition, it will help you keep them well hydrated. You just have to choose the oil of your preference.

 Es probable que ya tengas uno de estos en casa, ¿por qué no comienzas a usarlo hoy mismo? Pero, ¿qué otras recomendaciones debes tener presentes?

Tips for Growing Eyelashes with Essential Oils
1. In addition to the oils that I have described, there is also argan, which has unsaturated fatty acids that provide great nutrition to your eyelashes. In addition, it makes them a little thicker and, therefore, resistant

2. Another alternative is sesame oil, which contains vitamin E, B complex, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus, as well as proteins, which give the hair deep nutrition to grow faster.

3.  If you want, you can also use wheat oil, as it also has vitamin B so you can enjoy much longer eyelashes or rosemary, which can be as effective as any other treatment that stimulates hair growth. You just have to mix it with a little olive oil and apply it from the root of your eyelashes.

4.  Of course, I can not leave out of this list the hazelnut oil, since it provides a lot of hydration and helps to thicken the hair so that your look looks much more intense and dazzling.

5. No matter which oil you choose for your beauty treatment, the results will always be the same: beautiful, hydrated, strong and populated eyelashes.

6.  Remember that there is also the possibility of making a mixture of several oils, which will join their properties to create a super essential oil that will not have to envy to any product of the cosmetic industry.

Do you have weak and sparse eyelashes? You don’t have to resign. Act today and start using essential oils to promote the growth of new hair on your eyelashes and to strengthen and thicken the ones you already have. Say goodbye forever to false eyelashes that only weaken your natural hair. Enjoy a beautiful look, without suffering or sacrifice.