How To Grow Eyelashes

How To Grow Eyelashes

To have a spectacular look an important point to take into account are the eyelashes. At present there is an abusive use of false eyelashes, masks, frizzers, permanent curling techniques and use of products that are not recommended by dermatologists or ophthalmologists. The only thing that is achieved with this is to spoil the natural hair of the eyelashes and, even more importantly, put eye health at risk. In this article we will explain how to grow eyelashes naturally, in addition to the care you have to take daily.

What is the basic care of eyelashes?

Here are the basic instructions for general eyelash care:

Instructions for growing tabs

  • Do a constant cleaning. Daily use of masks and makeup causes eyelashes to harden and break more. To prevent this from happening, it is very important that we clean the area every day. This is especially necessary at bedtime, since at night is when our body regenerates.
  • Food. Eating in a varied way makes our hair look better, including eyelashes. A diet that includes silicon will make your eyelashes look longer and stronger. Some foods that contain silicon are: beer, oats, olives, pumpkin, rice or asparagus.
  • It is advisable to do a daily brushing. To do this, buy a specialized brush and comb them from birth out.
  • Avoid excessive use of chemicals. Currently there is a tendency to use mascara, masks and curling irons abusively. Continued use of all these things will weaken the eyelashes and make them much more brittle.

Recommended foods

It is essential to have a healthy and balanced diet so that the hair grows strong and beautiful. To encourage the growth of eyelashes it is advisable to eat five raw vegetables a day. It is also good to eat several pieces of fruit daily to get the necessary nutrients to have beautiful hair and eyelashes and, in addition, it will also influence the appearance of your nails and teeth.

Oatmeal is a food that has a great influence on the growth of eyelashes. This happens because it has silicon, which helps them grow faster. It is a meal that you can use very often and in a large number of dishes. To add it to your menus you can combine it with flour when you cook or mix it with the coffee or colacao you drink.

You can make a nutritious smoothie at home to incorporate all the foods that will benefit the growth of your eyelashes. To do so, you need 3 carrots, the juice of 2 oranges, half a tablespoon of nines, half a tablespoon of pine nuts and another half a tablespoon of honey. This smoothie will not only strengthen your eyelashes but all your hair. Take a glass of this smoothie for three months to notice the effects.

 In general, foods that are high in vitamin B5 are good for hair growth and also fight anemia.

How to grow eyelashes?

  • The use of oils is essential for eyelashes to grow better and faster. The most common is olive oil.  It is best to apply it at night, before sleeping, so that you do not have discomfort during the day. For a correct application, throw it from the birth of the eyelashes out. Do it very gently so you don’t pull out any hair. Never rub your eyes, just spread the product.
  • Other oils that you can use and that will be very beneficial for you are rosehip, almond or rosemary. You can use the one you want, as the effects are similar. To apply it follows the same process as with the olive. If you have very weakened eyelashes, you can make a mixture of several oils to have a better result.
  • It has been proven that chamomile is another of the great allies when it comes to nourishing eyelashes. To use it correctly, boil some chamomile in water. It is recommended that it be as natural as possible, that is, that you buy it in an herbalist’ shop. But if it is not possible, you can always use the one they sell in any supermarket. Let stand for a few minutes, until it tempers. Soak a cotton ball in the water and gently run it over your eyelids every night. A good trick is to use it as a makeup remover.
  • Vaseline is one of the most commonly used home treatments when growing eyelashes. To use it, take a brush from a mascara that is already worn. Clean it with soap and water very well so that there is no remainder. Now, put some talcum powder in your hand and impregnate the brush well with it. Now smear it with a neutral petroleum jelly, which has neither taste nor smell and brush your eyelashes. This procedure is quite effective, but you have to be patient, as it takes several weeks to show its effects.
  • Another alternative you can try are vitamin supplements. Copper and iron help stop hair loss, so they will help you with your eyelashes. And, to make them grow, you can take calcium, potassium and magnesium. Before taking any supplements, ask your pharmacy or doctor for advice on what’s best for you.

Finally, here are some useful tips:

Tips for growing eyelashes

  • Drink an orange juice every morning and, apart from contributing to a better state of your eyelashes, you will be feeding yourself correctly.

Be careful when you take the chamomile infusion, since it is necessary that, in order for it to infuse the water correctly, it is boiling, but, when you go to use it, you have to wait for it to temper. If not, you will burn yourself dangerously. Bet on a natural makeup, free of chemicals that spoil your eyelashes.