How to Paint Hair

The first rule you should know before putting yourself on the task is to paint your hair with dirty hair. Let a day or two pass before coloring. The reason? Because the scalp secretes sebum, this is a lubricant for the hair and allows the dye to adhere better. In this way you will get a much higher percentage that the chosen color reaches your expectations.

Before delving into the world of coloring, we will briefly explain a little of its physiology and composition.

Hair physiology

People have approximately between 100,000 and 150,000 hairs on their heads. This is composed of keratin (85%) and although it is very resistant you have to pamper it.

The layer of skin that holds the hair has the same characteristics of the skin of the rest of our body. Its function is to protect the skull and acts as a thermal insulator. That is why babies are recommended to put a hat on them the first few weeks when they are taken outside, their skull is open and the temperature leaks out there.

Hair is made up of two parts, the outer and the inner.

Outer layer of hair

This part is obviously visible, and is called the hair shaft. Its main component is made of a fibrous protein, keratin, as we have mentioned before. The hair has an outer layer called cuticle (it is scaly and protective of the hair), further inside is the cortex (elastic part and carrier of melanin) and followed by the hair marrow (absent in very fine hair).

Inner layer of hair

This part of the hair is embedded within the skin, exactly in the hair follicle. This part is the production unit. Every day it produces more than a million cells that synthesize keratin. In this layer we find the sebaceous gland, which is the one that secretes the sebum, which allows us to lubricate the hair.

The phenomenon known as dandruff, are dead cells, which are normally invisible. But when there is inflammation these cells multiply and form groups that become visual.

The first time we dyed ourselves

If this is the first time you are going to paint your hair, it is advisable to apply a small amount of the dye somewhere on the skin. This is done to prevent possible allergic reactions. Do not mix all the product for it, since this step, the ideal is to leave it about 20 minutes to check, and after this time the product is useless.

So you will take very little amount of revealing cream and coloring cream and mix them, with the size of a chickpea or less, left over to do the test.

The fact of painting the hair with it clean, in addition to not having a protector such as tallow you can punish and damage it. Of course some dyes already come with a special oil for it, but we recommend that the sebum takes care of it, since it is better distributed by the scalp.

If you decide to put the specific oil or lubricant to paint the hair, be sure to distribute it evenly from the root.

If you are reading this, it is probably because you have in mind a change of appearance, experiment with a different color than yours or because you do not have the necessary budget to go to the hairdresser. Whatever the reason that leads you to paint your hair at home, before buying the product make sure you are clear about the color you want to get.

On many occasions we think we know exactly what we want, however, when we arrive at the place of purchase, we see that there are countless colors similar to the one we had in mind. Some with golden reflections, others with nuances of ash, copper … So at that moment we are invaded by a lot of questions that we do not know how to answer ourselves.

In this case we ask: peace of mind that nothing happens!

Instructions for painting hair

We will have a photo or a sample of the color we want. We must take into account the nuances of our natural color, first of all, because it is not recommended to paint the hair with ash nuances if you have your natural golden nuances, this would create a greenish effect.

We also do not recommend painting your hair blonde if your hair is brown or brown. For this step, on many occasions a previous discoloration is required, because sinó, the blonde you want can stay in an orange tone, for the simple fact that the dyes have limited degrees of tincture, and each of them has its own nuances.

There are specific products for bleaching and they are also sold in store, but if you are not experts in the subject, it will be better to choose to leave your hair in the hands of professionals. This process is quite aggressive and can seriously damage the hair. Professionals have specific products and know exactly the time required in each case.

The ideal is to paint the hair, at most, two shades above or two shades below your natural color. This guarantees certain success. If you have decided to go a little further, you can experiment if you have some experience, although we recommend that you go to a beauty center and do it to you, at least the first time.

To proceed to the reflections or wicks, the recommendations are the same. It is essential that you pay attention to the instructions and examples that come in the dye box, both for wicks and for painting the hair. In them you can see the effects that can be achieved according to the color of the hair.

If your current color does not resemble any of them, we recommend that you do not, since the color you can get is quite uncertain.

What do you need to paint your hair?

  •  Dye to paint hair
  •  A bowl and brush to paint the hair
  •  Wick cap (if applicable)
  •  Vinyl or latex gloves
  •  Ear protector
  •  Comb with corner
  •  Towel or cape to cover the shoulders
  •  Clamping clamps
  •  Hand mirror
  •  Be very clear about the color you want

Tips for painting hair

Before proceeding to paint your hair, remember to take into account the color of your skin, your eyebrows and your natural color. Do not fall into the mistake of throwing yourself into new colors if you are not sure that this will favor you.

You can opt, to begin with, for semi-permanent dyes. These do not penetrate the cuticle, so they do not damage, they should normally be applied with wet hair. Although it does not damage the hair, they can stain clothes. That is why it is essential to follow the steps of the instructions that come in the box. The good thing about these dyes is that, if you regret the chosen color, they leave with few washes.

If you are going to use it to cover gray hair, we advise you to read the bases carefully, not all semi-permanent dyes cover them. To do this, you will probably have to opt for permanent dyes.

Although currently homemade dyes can be found without ammonia, this does not mean that the hair will not be punished. The permanent dye penetrates inside the cuticle, this means that the dye is rectifying the structure of the hair.

That is why it is convenient to nourish the hair extra if you decide to opt for permanent coloring, it dries out much more, although the fact of not having to apply it so often, is a great comfort.