How to Make African Braids

How to Make African Braids

African braids are a hairstyle that is fashionable all over the world. This hairstyle, which began as an exclusive hairstyle for women in Africa, has become a real bombshell in the world of fashion, since they are braids that look great in all types of hair.

One of the urban tribes that are using this type of braid the most are African Americans, that is, black people living in the United States. There you can see millions of people with this type of braids, since they look great.

However, now they have been taken to Europe and to people of white race, since it has been discovered how well these braids are not only in black people, but in all people with long hair in the world.

These braids differ from standard braids in that they are braided that many small braids are made in a row, forming as lines. This hairstyle, known as furrowing, is perfect for boys and girls and can be made even in short hair.

This creates differentiated lines in the hair, creating a unique and modern style in an almost automatic way. For this reason, this is always something that should be taken into account when using it as a main hairstyle, since it could make you earn many points in your appearance almost automatically and thus get the attention of anyone.

The good thing is that although these braids are very expensive to make if you go to the hairdresser, they are really not difficult to do on your own. Of course, it is a long and laborious process, for which you will have to have enough patience if you want to achieve total success.

If you have never made African braids, do not worry, since we are going to show you and all this step by step as usual.

Instructions for making African braids

  1. Prepare the hair:
    The first thing we must do so that African braids work in the right way, is to try to prepare the hair in the right way to perform this type of hairstyle. This is because if we prepare the hair, we will be able to make these braids in a better way than if we do it dry. If we leave the hair natural, we will notice how there are split ends that will make the task difficult, since as there are so many small braids, we will have the serious problem that we will have to have very small hands. If we wash the hair correctly, the strands will be more manageable by larger hands. The way to do this is to wash your hair and then add some conditioner, to leave the hair as malleable as possible. As always, let it act for a while, since in this way, you will be able to leave it softer and silkier to be able to start with your task of African braids in the best possible way.
  2. Divide the hair into many strands:
    Now that we have washed the hair in the right way, we are going to divide the hair of the African braids in a somewhat particular way, which only occurs here. In this hair, we are going to make very small braids in a straight line, so we are going to divide the hair into many strands. In traditional braids, we are going to make two large tufts, but here they will be a lot of small tufts. On top of that, we’re going to start at the extremes and we’re not going to focus just on the center, something we would do if they were other types of braids than these African braids. Now what we must do is leave the strands separated, but first we are going to focus on a single strand, since it is the one that will set the guidelines to follow and the one that will undoubtedly make the difference between well-made African braids and African braids that do not have all the potential we want.
  3. Make the first strand:
    The first strand of African braids is undoubtedly one of the most important, since it is the one that sets the tone to follow. This strand must be made at one end, being the first strand that we are going to make and then all the others will go. This should be small in size and the others should imitate it with symmetry, so you should strive to make this strand the correct length. Now, we are going to make the braid in the usual way, that is, dividing the first strand into two smaller ones and crossing them from top to bottom, since this way we are going to get this strand to take shape and in this way, get it ready to continue with the following strands and finish as soon as possible with this great hairstyle of African braids.
  4. Do the rest:
    Now that we have the first strand of African braids created, we must continue with the rest of the hairstyle, as this is what we have to do to make sure that this hairstyle is created and managed in the right way. Now we must take a strand of the same size as the original braid and we must do exactly the same, that is, make an equal braid. It is important that everyone is the same, so you could use a back mirror to check that everything works the right way and that we are taking strands of the same size. Once we have done so, we will move to the third strand, the fourth and the fifth, to finally finish all the hair. This is easier said than done, since you will have to spend a long time to finish everything, however, then it will be worth doing all this, since in the end you will have your fabulous African braids ready to be able to look with all the glamour and quality they deserve.
  5. Tie the braids and fix with lacquer:
    Now that you have finally finished, we are going to tie the braids, which must be tied at the last end so that they do not fall. To do this, we will need a lot of small hair rubbers, which are used to tie this type of braids and then there is no problem of falls of any kind. After having finished with this, we are going to fix the hairstyle with lacquer, something that we are going to do so that it stays fixed and does not fall or break the braids when we move a lot.
  6. Keep the braids:
    Now that we are done, we will want to keep our braids as long as possible. The way to do this is to be very careful what you do with them, since they are fragile and could break if they were not taken care of in the right way. For example, you should be careful when washing your hair and make sure you do not release any rubber, because if a braid is released, it will have to be done again. Then you can also innovate the hairstyle and make braids only in some parts, leaving some parts with normal hair, as with the typical braid of the Jedi knights, which is only an African braid, but only one.