Hairstyles With Braids – 10 Examples you’ll like

Hairstyles With Braids – 10 Examples you’ll like

Hairstyles that include braids qualify among the most colorful within the wide possibilities provided by long hair. Some of them are true works of art.

These hairstyles are also a relic of the art of hairstyling that has endured and reached our days through centuries of history.

However, they are usually very little applied in daily life, because they seem to be very complicated to do. It is true that this final result, so beautiful and elaborate, suggests that it takes hours of work to achieve it.

We usually go to them only on special occasions, such as weddings, ceremonies, galas, and other events of great alcurnia, and always resorting to a hairstyle professional. In truth, some hairstyles with braids require special skills, and a good time of careful effort.

Hairstyles with everyday braids

Today, I want to bring you closer to the possibilities of wearing beautiful hairstyles with braids, very elegant but simple, that you can do yourself in a jiffy.

With these suggestions you can boast about your beautiful hairstyle any day, without necessarily being a special occasion.

I propose ten examples of hairstyles with braids that you will like, and that with a minimum of patience you can wear an ordinary day.

Of course, some requirements are required:

What You Need

  1.  Long, or moderately long hair. For short hair only the so-called sewn braids would be plausible, which are glued to the head and do not require long strands of hair. But this greatly limits the possibilities.
  2.  Clean hair. The accumulated grease or dirt hinders the elaboration of the hairstyle in addition to subtracting good presence. Always use the shampoo and conditioning creams that are ideal for your hair type. Applying any, randomly, is a big mistake.
  3.  Untangled hair. You must comb your hair and brush your hair well, so that there are no knots. It is the only way to slide your fingers while weaving and that the braid is at the end smooth and shiny, without lumps or hair coming out.
  4.  Straight hair is ideal, but if yours is curly do not be discouraged, the effect of a vigorous brushing will leave it suitable for these hairstyles.


  1. The hairstyles with braids that we suggest here are better, and are made more easily, if the hair does not have damaged or brittle ends.
  2. If you have that defect, start by making a cut of tips, and from now on start using a good repairer, applying it every day at night before going to sleep, and in the mornings before composing your hairstyle of the day.
  3. Avoid getting sun on you with the repairer applied.

Advantages of wearing braids

  1. Hairstyles with braids last a long time. They are unlikely to fall apart, and you will spoil the look when you whip the first little glass.
  2. Hairstyles with braids confer a neat, smug, glamorous image. Mischievously, you will go through those who dedicate a lot of time to their hairstyle, when in fact the examples that we bring you here are very easy.
  3. Braided hair is taken care of much more. It is less exposed to the harmful effects of the sun, as well as to splitting, dryness, etc.
  4. Hair combed with braids lasts clean for a long time, is protected from dust, fats and other impurities.

Learn hairstyles with braids easy to make

What is promised is debt, so there are ten suggestions for hairstyles with very simple braids, but that provide a look of the most sophisticated, and go well with any style of wardrobe.

Hairstyle 1

  1. Make a half ponytail, at the height of the ears, not very tight, leave a little space between the root of the hair and the ponytail. That it has less amount of hair than the one that is loose. Hold it with a thin elastic band.
  2. Open a hole in the center of the ponytail, above the elastic.
  3. Run the ponytail inside the hole, and pull it out underneath. After this operation the ponytail will tighten, it will no longer be loose.
  4. With the hair of the ponytail and the leftover that you left on your back together, start weaving a braid to the same tip. Tie it well with an elastic.
  5. Fold the braid upwards and put the tip of it in the hole where you used to turn the ponytail.
  6. Remove the tip of the braid below the hole and hold it to the head with tweezers.
  7. Place decorated tweezers at the entrance of the hole. A delicate flower or a butterfly will make a very chic effect, at the same time that it gives more support to the hairstyle.

Hairstyle 2

  1. Make a high ponytail with all your hair. The height will be your preference. Hold it with a wide elastic band.
  2. Take out a strand of the elastic, under the tail.
  3. Except for the strand you separated, twist the rest of the ponytail around the elastic band, until it is covered and you get a bun or “kiki”. Hold it well with tweezers.
  4. With the remaining strand he weaves a tight braid and surrounds the bun with it.
  5. Hide the tip of the braid under the bun, and hold it with a clamp.
  6. This braid can then be decorated with small details, such as flowers, pearls, etc.

Hairstyle 3

  1. Make a half ponytail and throw it to the end.
  2. Make a second braid, for which the three to weave strands will be: the hair that was loose divided into two and the first braid.
  3. The elastic band that holds the half ponytail can be hidden with a buckle or hair ornament, so that the birth of the braid will be from that ornamental element.

Hairstyle 4

  1. Make three fine braids on each side of the head, at the height of the ears. It can also be four, two above the ears, and two below them. Weave them in the upward direction, so that later a forced bend is not noticed.
  2. With the rest of the hair make a ponytail and join to it the fine braids, which are tense, stuck to the head. When you have fixed the ponytail, you can remove the elastics from the braids, so that the end of them is destroyed and mixed with the ponytail.
  3. Light tiny glitter or pearls on the braids. Thus, they will cause the effect of garlands that go from your temples to the ponytail.
  4. This same operation can also be done with a thicker braid on each side instead of braids, and will allow you to use not so small ornaments.

Hairstyle 5

  1. Make fine braids on the sides of the head, the amount you prefer, although three or four is fine. Leave them separated from the rest of the hair.
  2. With the rest of the hair make a bun at an average height.
  3. Fix the tips of the braids to the bun, hiding the tips under it, without tensing the braids, so that they are hanging arched.

Hairstyle 6

  1. Make yourself a half ponytail and tie it with a thick cord or tape, as you prefer. Make a braid with the hair of the ponytail, weaving in it the cord or tape. Use a color that stands out with your hair color. It can be to match your eyes, it is a very successful option.
  2. Leave the braid, so decorated, fall on your back on the hair that is loose.

Hairstyle 7

  1. Make a low ponytail and divide the hair of it into three equal parts.
  2. Make two braids, one with the portion on the right and one with the portion on the left, leave the middle portion free.
  3. Fold the braids upwards each on its respective side, fix them to the head with tweezers, drawing the shape of a bow, and make them return to the knot of the ponytail.
  4. Attach the end of the braids to the loose strand, hold it all together with a thin elastic band.
  5. Release the elastics of the braids so that from the ponytail they deterrence and join the loose hair. If you are curly haired let that part take its natural waves, gives a lot of life to the hairstyle and contrasts beautifully with the tight and smooth hair of the braids.
  6. Cover the elastic with an ornament. You can also take a strand of hair that was left on the floor and wrap it around the elastic.

Hairstyle 8

  1. Make a bun with the top half of your hair.
  2. The rest of the hair is braided in multiple fine braids. Here you must also weave the braids in the upward direction so that when folding them it looks good.
  3. It climbs all the braids and hides its tips under the bun.

Hairstyle 9

  1. Make a low ponytail, near the nape of the neck.
  2. Weave it into a single braid.
  3. Screw the braid around the knot of the ponytail, hold it with tweezers. A classic hairstyle known as a impeller is achieved, which does not go out of style for its elegance.
  4. You can decorate the impeller with your favorite accessories, decorated tweezers, pins, lactose, etc.

Hairstyle 10

  1. Make a ponytail at an average height.
  2. Take a strand out of your ponytail, the thickness you prefer.
  3. Braid the strand
  4. Screw the braid around the ponytail so that it hides the elastic band of the ponytail.

A few additional tips

Prepare your room, dressing room, or chest of drawers, with the necessary conditions to make these hairstyles with agility. It is good that you have two fixed mirrors, not handheld, so that you can see yourself from the front and at the same time watch the progress of the hairstyle from behind, without using your hands, because they will be busy weaving braids.

Make yourself enough wide and thick elastic bands and tweezers. A fine-end comb is also very useful, ideal for dividing hair into strands with the thickness you want and that you are the same.

Make a good reserve of decorated tweezers, as well as a variety of hair ornaments, so you can vary the decoration of your hairstyles with braids. Keep in mind that even when you repeat the hairstyle, the decoration can be the factor that makes the difference and in the end you will still get a novel image.

When you weave your braids be careful not to tighten them too tightly in the desire to give more solidity to the hairstyle.

Tightening the braids a lot is not good for the hair root or scalp, plus you will feel uncomfortable.

For the hairstyle to remain stable it is enough to put the necessary tweezers and in the right place. You can also use a fixing spray.

I hope that our tips and the proposals of hairstyle with braids that we have thought for you have been very useful. The versatility presented by each of them fits the desires of any woman. If you have other options of hairstyles for braids do not hesitate to share them with us who also want to try them at home.