How to Use a Gel Eyeliner

How to Use a Gel Eyeliner

One of the least known in the world of makeup, the gel eyeliner. Its application differs from others by its particular texture and brush or ultra thin brush. Its qualities are undeniable and therefore how to use it is a common question today.

The effects achieved with it cannot be compared to that of a crayon or liquid. For this reason, at present, it is becoming one of the favorite products of those who make up. To use the gel eyeliner you just have to make an extra effort, because it usually looks good on most occasions when it is used.

What do you need to use a Gel Eyeliner?

  •  Gel Eyeliner
  •  Mirror
  •  Dedication
  •  Cleansing

Instructions for using a Gel Eyeliner

  1. Prepare the skin. The first step in using a gel eyeliner is to prepare the skin for its arrival. By this we mean specifically that you have to clean the eye area very well. It would also be positive to use the base of your preference or some product that allows the eyeliner to be fixed more easily. It is essential that you take this into account before starting with the outline. It is very easy to ruin makeup when you have not taken the proper precautions and to use this product you have to take into account hygiene. In addition, it is a way to ensure that the makeup stays as long as possible in your gaze.
  2. With delicacy. It is essential that you keep in mind the care you give to your gel eyeliner. Remember that both the bottle and the brush it has must be stored in a place where accidents are avoided. It is also advisable to close it properly so that no contaminants fall into it.
  3. Sometimes the bottle containing the product is quite delicate, so you have to leave it in places where they cannot break. It is also recommended that you leave the brush covered, in this way it is protected by bacteria harmful to the skin and eyes. In addition, taking care of the brush is a guarantee that it lasts longer with its original shape.
  4. The technique of the points. To start learning about how to use a gel eyeliner the technique of the points can be of great help. It’s basically about not directly drawing the entire line on the eyelid. The idea is to draw small points, without being very thick, that later serve as a guide. When you contour the whole eye, you will see that it is much easier in this way.
  5. After the points are made, it is time to join them, as if it were a game. Do it little by little so that in this way the stroke is evenly visible. Little by little you will notice that with practice you will not need to make the points. In addition, this is a way to get acquainted with the product and with your look in general.
  6. Look down. Another strategy that can work for you is to look down. Makeup with closed eyes has been left in the past, it is best to leave the eyelids in their natural form. For this reason when you place the eyeliner in gel it is best to fix your gaze towards the ground. It’s a trick that may seem difficult but really isn’t that complicated.
  7. Looking down helps the skin of the eyelid to stretch naturally, without the need to close your eyes, or stretch it with your other hand. In this way you take advantage of the visual capacity completely and avoid accidents when finishing the makeup.
  8. From the center to the end. Another way to start with the use of a gel eyeliner is to avoid making up, in principle, the eyelid completely. The idea is to start from the center of the eye and continue outward. With this simple technique you can become familiar with your contour. Another advantage of this trick is that it looks great, especially for daytime makeup. It is a way of not saturating the look so much and works very well for those who suffer from many dark circles. It is ideal to start experimenting with the product and will give you an unparalleled makeup effect. Few will notice that you have little practice time in the application of the eyeliner.
  9. Up and down. When you have mastered the steps above you can start to risk a little more. Therefore, in the sixth step you are invited to delineate the inner and outer part of the eyelid. Gel eyeliner has the advantage that it can be played in this way to achieve a rather noticeable effect. To do this you must lift, very carefully, the eyelash and go gently swaying. The secret is not to stick the brush in your eye directly while you’re doing it. You have to be very detailed about it, since otherwise it can cause the eye to cry and ruin the makeup completely.
  10. When you finish with the inside of the eyes, a greater focus is made on the outside. To do it you can use the techniques mentioned above or risk it more professionally, without using any tricks. The idea is to get a prominent figure and a dazzling look.
  11. Try several times. Gel eyeliner may seem complicated but it just needs a little practice. Try several times and with different techniques to achieve the dream makeup. Do not stop using it because it simply did not come out on the first try, it will be worth waiting for the results.
  12. Remember that you can use it both day and night, so you will have more opportunities to improve your skills with the brush. You can also practice without any specific occasion. In this way you will be perfecting the use of gel eyeliner in a very short time.
  13. Take care of the details. Finally, it is essential that you remember that when using a gel eyeliner you can be more specific with the details. It is good that when you practice, or use them for an event, you have a little makeup remover near your work table. This way you can erase imperfections with the same brush you’re working with.

The details with the gel eyeliner are quite noticeable and you can experiment with different styles. Advise yourself regarding the capabilities of this product so that you can achieve professional effects on your gaze.

Tips for using a Gel Eyeliner

  • Don’t despair. Hesitating to use a gel eyeliner will only cause everything to go wrong. The idea is that you can make up quietly so that all the strokes achieve an enviable uniformity. At first your hands may tremble or you do not know the amount of product you need, but this will gradually be regularized.
  • The use of gel eyeliner has many appreciable advantages. That is why look for those that best suit your needs, whether they are formal events, jobs, parties or your daily life. In this way you can feel the comfort and it will be noticed in each of the affects you get in makeup in general. Dare to experiment and apply the knowledge to make a difference by doing it yourself.