Makeup To Show Off Your Mask In Style

Makeup To Show Off Your Mask In Style

The new normal that we have to live as a consequence of the legacy of Covid-19 is nothing like the one we were used to. Not only in relation to interpersonal relationships, the work sector and other daily activities, but also with the look that is recommended to wear.

The mask has become one more garment of the wardrobe. Since it must be used every time you have to leave the house, sometimes daily, some have chosen to have a great variety so that it goes well with each of the outfits they wear.

However, the big problem arises in the case of those who put on makeup, since, in general, sweat, the type of makeup and the color of the mask cause the makeup to run and end up becoming a real disaster.

For that reason, there are those who decide simply not to put on makeup. However, what happens when the occasion merits wearing a little makeup? What can those people who do not resign themselves to being without a drop of makeup on a daily basis do? Do they have to accept the fact that the mask will end up getting dirty, that the lipstick will run and that other similar misfortunes will occur?

Don’t let the parrot go away! This time we will be sharing with you some simple and basic recommendations that will help you always look good, regardless of whether you have to wear a mask all day.

These beauty tips are very original and adapt very well to the situation in which we live today, which we do not know how long it will last. Therefore, the best thing you can do is take these tips as inspiration to activate your creativity, end up making your own looks and wear your mask with style. Let’s see it right now.


 stylish face masks

Since with the mask almost the entire face is covered, the best option is to highlight the look, which includes the eyebrows, eyelashes, eyelid, tear, etc.

  1. Give strength to your eyebrows. To do this, you must highlight them so that they look thicker and thicker. You will achieve this by using a creamy pencil or a brown shade. With this, try to fill in the spaces that merit color. Then, you need to comb them up, as this is the current trend. If you notice that they are very rebellious, apply a little wax or petroleum jelly to be able to mold them.
  2. Make your eyes with earth colors to give them strength and depth.
  3. Do not forget to make the cat outline. It is very fashionable and will give you a more sophisticated and stylish look.
  4. Remember to give volume to your eyelashes. You can do it using false eyelashes. But, if you don’t want such extravagant height, you can use a mascara to give them volume and greater definition.
  5. If you are not comfortable with so much makeup, in such a case, you can focus on only one part of the look, such as eyelashes or eyebrows.

With these instructions you will be getting the most out of your eyes and you will always look good, regardless of whether the mask covers most of your face. But what will you need for it?

What You Need

The great advantage of making up only the eyes, is that you do not have to spend too much on makeup. Some of the things you will need are the following:

  •  Powdered shadows of earth colors or others that are dark, in order to give depth to your look.
  •  Brushes to apply the shadow on the different parts of the eyelid of the eye.
  •  A creamy creyon or brown shade to highlight your eyebrows and fill in empty spaces.
  •  Black liquid eyeliner to make cat outline.
  •  An eyelash curling iron and mascara or mascara to give it volume.
  •  False eyelashes to take the volume of your eyelashes to a second level.

Of course, these are just the basic elements that are needed to make a quick makeup of daily use. However, what can you do if you want to wear more elaborate makeup? What recommendations should you take into account?


Here are some simple tricks so you can maintain a perfect style, even with the mask on:

The use of lipstick

While it is true that the lips are hidden behind the mask, this does not have to be an excuse not to make them up.

What you should keep in mind is that there are some types of lipsticks that are best avoided. For example, glitters. These are the ones that end up staining the fabric of the mask and the skin, since they run very easily.

A better alternative is the use of matte color lipsticks, as they are dry and therefore do not run as easily.

On the other hand, there is the trick that our mothers used in the past and that is current today. It involves using a paper towel or a tissue to remove the remains of the lipstick.

Just fold the towel in half and lightly squeeze your lips over it. When you have finished, there will be no remains that can remain attached to the fabric of the mask.

Apply makeup


This recommendation is very useful to prevent the mask from ending up full of dust stains or the base of the skin. However, you should not use creamy or skin-moisturizing fixatives when finishing your makeup routine.

Instead, it’s best to apply a fixative that is spray that doesn’t have oils inside its components.


While it is true that, in general, with the mask the main protagonists will be the eyes, you should not neglect your hair.

You can take it collected. Wear hairstyles that don’t bother your face or forehead. For example, the famous ponytails that were used in the 90s. At present, they have become one of the most requested hairstyles in this new normal. Do not forget the braids in the hair, this is another great classic that will turn out very well.

On the other hand, keep in mind that the underside of the face is greatly affected by the constant rose of the fabric of the mask. In addition, bacteria usually accumulate in that area. Therefore, an additional recommendation, to always keep the skin of the face healthy, is to do hydration and exfoliation routines constantly.

How to moisturize the face?

To always show off a young, soft and fresh complexion, it is important that you dedicate time daily to moisturize your face, how can you do it? Very easy!

  1. Drink plenty of water. You can’t moisturize your skin on the outside if you’re not well hydrated on the inside. Drink at least 7 or 8 glasses of water daily. With this, you will prevent your skin from losing elasticity and flexibility prematurely. Thus, you will be able to prevent aging and the presence of imperfections such as wrinkles and stretch marks.
  2. Maintain a healthy and balanced diet. This diet should be rich in nutrients that are beneficial for hydration of the face, such as antioxidants, vitamin C and omega 3. Some of these foods are: olive oil, citrus fruits, tomato, carrot, oily fish, etc.
  3. Use natural oils. The most effective are: olive oil, argan, jojoba, sesame oil, rosehip oil and almond oil. Find out which one best suits the needs of your skin and use just a few drops.
  4. Aloe vera. Make a homemade mask based on aloe and spread it all over your face so that it looks beautiful and fresh.

You can also use carrot juice, honey, yogurt, coconut milk and cucumber to keep your skin hydrated. In this way, along with your makeup, you can wear your mask with great style.