How are the Canons of Virtual Beauty?

How are the Canons of Virtual Beauty?

The world is full of stereotypes. At first glance, it is possible to determine who is rich, who is poor, who has good taste, who has a little education, what philosophy of life you profess, what religion you belong to, the genre of music you like and many other things.

While it is true that, sometimes, these stereotypes can cause many problems, mistakes and even uncomfortable moments, the truth is that, most of the time they are related to the social reality in which we live today.

Who has established these stereotypes? The human being himself, in his eagerness to identify with an established group and by his desire to make others fit, regardless of whether it is the social marginalized.

Regarding the issue of beauty, the situation is the same. Since time immemorial man has been in charge of determining what is beautiful and what is ugly. Of course, as expected, the beautiful always enjoys greater popularity and acceptance. Hence, there are beauty contests where prizes are awarded to the most beautiful people.

However, with the passage of time, the canon of beauty has been changing. At first, curvy women were considered beauty. Then, the most popular were the thin ones with very long legs and little bust. In fact, she was the type of woman who dominated the fashion catwalks around the world.

But, apparently, today, things have taken a turn again. Have you ever wondered what the canons of virtual beauty look like? Do you want to know? If you are interested in knowing what the current trend is, you have hit the nail on the head. In this post, I will tell you which beauty enjoys greater acceptance in this virtual age.

Instructions for virtual beauty canons

As I mentioned earlier, in the past, the beautiful was the accepted, while the ugly was rejected. But what was considered beautiful? What has no apparent defect, the symmetrical, the stylized, etc. for this reason, everyone, in one way or another, sought to fit into such standards, which was not always easy, because it involved making many sacrifices.

However, in this virtual era, where filters in photographs and videos predominate, paradoxically, it has been tried to claim natural beauty. This type of beauty is one that does not resort to surgeries to make improvements, the one that uses little or no makeup, the one that takes pride in those small imperfections common in the human being, such as baldness, freckles, wrinkles, stretch marks, orange peel, acne, among others.

This means that we are at a historical moment in the universe of beauty. Since an exceptional boost is being given to all types of beauty possible and that can be imagined. This vision is much broader and exalts the diversity of traits that distinguish us.

Now, in this eagerness to generate change, two ideas converge that seem to be polar opposites, what are they? Body-positive and beauty. Some of its features are:

The body-positive

It is a concept that tries to redefine the old standards of beauty, in order to include all kinds of people.

In this case, social networks have been responsible for playing a very important role. In fact, hundreds of people bet on the power of networks to modify beauty patterns.

This category includes women of all sizes, races and ages who boast of those characteristics that make them unique, such as freckles, stretch marks or some congenital anomalies, such as vitiligo or alopecia.

In short, what was previously hidden with programs such as Photoshop or with the filters of social networks, are now sought to enhance. Such is the case with tattoos, scars, orange peel, etc.


This is the other side of the coin, the polar opposite of the body-positive concept. This is the classic beauty stereotype that has put pressure on women of all generations, including our great-grandmothers.

It’s about the idea that women with perfect measurements, height of 1.80, with long hair, velvety skin and almost divinized features, is the really beautiful woman.

Again, this trend has become popular thanks to the Internet and social networks, which encourage exercises, lead a fitness life, make miraculous diets, use girdles and other products to stylize the figure, etc.

In fact, those who support this trend, often make negative comments on photos of others, which increases the pressure to want to fit into the preset beauty canon.

What do you need for virtual beauty canons?

The balance point between the body-positive and beauty trend projects the image of a beautiful woman who shows off her imperfections, be it a flaccid abdomen, acne, albinism, heterochromia, etc.

These types of women show two profiles in one. So it is easier to fit into this description and, of course, it is a more flexible point of view, which gives rise to different alternatives without detracting from the beauty of any. Although there is still a certain tendency to groom and dress well, according to the natural physiognomy that you have, whether thin, fat or curvy.

In this way, women who are overweight, those who do not have the perfect hair, those who have separate teeth, those who have freckles on their faces manage to accept themselves as they are. This self-esteem and security surpasses the screens of social networks and makes them enjoy the approval of the vast majority of users who browse them.

In short, the prevailing philosophy today, the canon of virtual beauty extols self-acceptance and your virtues and your defects in order to transmit the true beauty that is carried inside.

Tips for the canons of virtual beauty

If you want to be in accordance with the virtual beauty canon of today, it will be enough to enter Instagram and place in the search engine the hashtag body-positive so that hundreds of images that are related to the concept appear on the screen.

You will realize that these are not messy women. Rather, they are people who know how to take advantage of their attributes, whether with makeup, hairstyle or clothes that favor them.

Having these photographs as a reference, you can get an idea of what goes best with your particular characteristics, without having to change anything about your physical appearance. You will know how you can take advantage of that “imperfections” or distinctive marks that make you different and give you a certain touch of originality and style. To the extent that you achieve it, you will achieve true success.

Try different trends and colors until you find the one that most favors you and, when you find it, make the most of it and exploit all your potential and creativity. Be yourself. Do not try to compare yourself with others, as everyone is beautiful in their own style.

If you do it this way, you will save yourself the frustration of wanting to look like who you are not, of fighting to reach the perfect size, which may be different tomorrow. You won’t mistreat your body with unnecessary diets, exercises, and surgeries.

Remember that for others to love and accept you, you must start by loving yourself and accepting yourself. You can’t expect others to love you, if you don’t love yourself. In this way, you will project security, self-worth, self-love, momentum, a defined personality, and no matter how many apparent imperfections you have, you will look beautiful.

The canons of beauty change with the passage of time. Don’t worry about always wanting to fit in. Keep in mind that, in the eyes of the people who love you, you will always be beautiful. No matter what the virtual or real beauty standards say.