How To Remove Pimples

How To Remove Pimples

Pimples and acne is a hormonal phenomenon that people experience when they start the puberty period. It is the most common for acne pimples to appear on the face, and on different parts of the body, during the time in which all these changes are experienced in the body. However, not everyone is affected in the same way.

 What are pimples and acne?

If the pore becomes clogged but remains on the surface it is known as a white spot. On the other hand, if a pore becomes clogged but remains open and the top layer has the possibility of darkening it is known as a blackhead or pimple. Finally, the pore wall opens allowing sebum, dead skin cells and bacteria to make their way under the skin and form the well-known red pimples. In some cases, the pimples have a tip full of pus, due to the way the body reacts to the bacterial infection. Although it is less likely, we can also find nodules, which are larger lumps infected in the form of a cyst and that can cause pain. Even larger cysts that may resemble acne can end up being diagnosed as boils caused by staph infections.

Benefits of removing grains

All in all, removing pimples of any kind from all parts of the body will lead to huge benefits for our personal satisfaction. The most prominent are the following:

  • Increased hygiene on the face. Obviously, acne on the face gives no other feeling than dirt and lack of hygiene, although we can go as neat as possible. Eliminating the possible blackheads that may appear will allow us to give an image of greater hygiene.
  • Have better self-esteem. Obviously, many teens may feel insecure about the pimples they have on their face. Therefore, the only solution to raise morale and self-esteem is to eliminate them definitively.
  • Prevent it from leaving marks for the future. Treating pimples correctly will also allow us to avoid leaving any type of mark on the face and prevent them from reproducing in the short term. It is necessary to invest in good products.
  • Learn processes for the future. Grains are the beginning, but in the future other beauty problems will appear that we must know how to solve. Some of the most prominent are hair loss, gray hair or wrinkles, among others.

How to remove pimples

are something we all have but want to eliminate at all costs, as the presence of acne contributes to stress and low self-esteem. It is almost similar to healing a wound. However, when it comes to fighting grains we find many myths, remedies that we do not know if they will turn out or if, instead, they will worsen the problem even more. For this reason, we bring you some remedies that have been scientifically proven and that, therefore, have a basis on which to stand. In some cases, it is as simple as washing your face twice since as we have explained before one of the causes for which acne appears occurs when the pores of the skin are blocked due to the accumulation of sebum, dirt and sweat. The body will detect these elements and interpret them as a threat by reacting with the creation of acne and pimples. Thus, washing your face and maintaining good hygiene can be a great solution. However, if you do it with a common soap you will create dry skin, and this is another factor that contributes to the formation of acne. In this way, you should use a special soap for acne and that is rich in salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. However, one of the big questions that is breathed in the environment is whether it is possible to prevent grains. The answer is yes. The absence of some vitamins, such as zinc, can end up triggering acne problems that can lead to the appearance of pimples. This vitamin is of vital importance for both the body and the skin. Zinc deficiency can cause breakouts and, therefore, keeping it in amounts that are considered healthy in your daily diet is crucial for all those who want to prevent acne problems, or instead, want to solve the current ones. Because consuming foods with zinc has the ability to remove grains if you wish. It acts as an antioxidant and can also help to have a fully healthy immune system, working on injury prevention. Likewise, a balanced diet will also help us prevent the appearance of grains. All industrial products rich in sugar such as pastries, chocolate or all kinds of sweets do nothing but contribute to the creation of acne. As for remedies to prevent the appearance of pimples we will also find sun creams. They will not help remove existing pimples, although too pronounced exposure to the sun can also cause our skin to have a reaction that tends to create acne. Therefore, especially in summer but also in winter, it is advisable to use this type of protectors to ensure proper care of our skin.

Exfoliating the face is another of the great remedies to remove pimples or acne. Most people think that using this type of treatment will only tend to make things worse, something that is totally false. The exfoliation will help you remove all possible pimples from your face and also all those dead cells from the surface so that it looks fresher, cleanser and shows a better appearance. By itself, the body will tend to exfoliate the face every 28 days, although and more when you enter the stage of maturity or old age it is very little time. In fact, over the years, the face tends to cluster a greater number of dead cells on the face. Special moisturizers for acne will also help fight the pimples we have on our face. Moisturizing the skin, in addition, should be part of the daily care that we must have on our skin. However, the appearance of acne and pimples must be taken with philosophy and calmly. In the period of puberty it is almost impossible to stop its appearance although in the bedroom we will have a lot of options that can be valid as a remedy to eliminate them and increase our self-esteem again.